如何在 Python 中创建一个循环字母表,使 z 之后的字母为 a,a 之前的字母为 z

How to create a circular Alphabet in Python so that the letter after z is a and the letter before a is z


我用 chr().join(Alphabet) 尝试了一些方法,但没有成功,因为我收到了错误消息 an integer is required (got type str)

for character in word:
    if chr(Alphabet[Alphabet.find(character)) >= "z":
        new_Alphabet = Alphabet.join(Alphabet)
    elif chr(Alphabet[Alphabet.find(character)) <= "a":
        new_Alphabet = Alphabet.join(Alphabet[:-1])

我认为你必须使用 circular queue。欲了解更多信息,请查看此 link.

使用itertools.cycle ans string.ascii_lowercase:

from itertools import cycle
import string
circular_alphabet = cycle(string.ascii_lowercase)


>>> "".join(next(circular_alphabet ) for _ in range(50))


def cycle_letter(ch,up=True):
  upper = 'A' <= ch <= 'Z'
  ch = ch.lower()
  letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
  pos = letters.find(ch)
  if pos < 0: return ch
  length = len(letters)
  pos += 1 if up else length-1
  ans = letters[pos%length]
  if upper: ans = ans.upper()
  return ans


def cycle_string(s,up=True):
  return ''.join(cycle_letter(ch,up) for ch in s)


if __name__ == '__main__':    #Test
  s = cycle_string('Hello, World!')
  s = cycle_string(s,False)

如果对某人有帮助,此代码段会将单词移动所需的空格数。 (例如 shift_word('abcdef', 12) = 'opqrst'

def shift_word(word: str, spaces: int) -> str:
    first_ordinal = 97
    last_ordinal = 122
    alphabet_size = 26

    return ''.join(chr((ord(letter) - last_ordinal - spaces - 1) % alphabet_size + first_ordinal) for letter in word)

它只是逐个字母地遍历单词,应用一些模数学来计算字母应该落在的正确“桶”,并确保结果在序数 97-122 的边界内(字母a-z)