
Are these examples correct or the tutorial has an error?

我正在阅读 this tutorial 但我不确定我是否正确理解了文本(或者它是否完全正确)。有一个例子:

The following predicates are valid because they encode modus ponens: if you know that a implies b and you know that a is true, then it must be the case that b is also true:

{-@ ex6 :: Bool -> Bool -> TRUE @-}
ex6 a b = (a && (a ==> b)) ==> b

{-@ ex7 :: Bool -> Bool -> TRUE @-}
ex7 a b = a ==> (a ==> b) ==> b

ex6 可以,但 ex7 不行,a = falseb = false 失败。 LH 将其报告为:

Error: Liquid Type Mismatch

 88 | ex7 a b = a ==> (a ==> b) ==> b

   Inferred type
     VV : {v : GHC.Types.Bool | v <=> ((a => (a => b)) => b)}

   not a subtype of Required type
     VV : {VV : GHC.Types.Bool | VV}

   In Context
     a : GHC.Types.Bool

     b : GHC.Types.Bool

我也不明白他们对蕴涵的定义:"You should read p ==> q as if p is true then q must also be true"。它听起来不正确,因为它只断言一种情况:T -> T = T。我在这里想念什么?教程可能在 "ex7"?


我怀疑在这个例子中,他们已经将 (==>) 设为右关联,而在您的测试中,您将其保留为默认值,即左关联。比较:

> infixl 9 ==>; False ==> x = True; True ==> x = x
> False ==> (False ==> False) ==> False
> infixr 9 ==>; False ==> x = True; True ==> x = x
> False ==> (False ==> False) ==> False

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