我可以使用 Django 自动化测试检查用户电子邮件验证是否成功吗?

Can I check if user email verification was successful using Django automated testing?

我的 AccountActivationView 期待对路径的 GET 请求('email/confirm/',如果密钥存在,AccountActivationView 调用激活函数并在用户配置文件中切换 is_active。 我正在尝试使用 Django TestCase 对此功能进行测试,但它没有产生我期望的结果。视图 class 将客户端重定向到正确的位置,但用户帐户的 is_active 状态没有改变。 谁能给我指明正确的方向,好吗?

class TestUserAccounts(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client()

        # Initial user data
        self.username = 'TestTest'
        self.email = 'test@test.com'
        self.password = 'test123test'

        # Creating user
            email=self.email, username=self.username, password=self.password)

    def test_activating_user(self):
        '''Activating user account using link in the email'''

        user_email_activation_status = EmailActivation.objects.get(
        user = User.objects.get(email=self.email).is_active
        activation_key = EmailActivation.objects.get(

        # The initial state of account and email should be inactive
        self.assertEqual(user_email_activation_status, False)
        self.assertEqual(user, False)

        # Activating the account with get request to email/confirm/<key>
        activation = self.client.get(
            reverse('accounts:email-activate', kwargs={'key': activation_key}))

        # Checking if activation was successful
        self.assertEqual(user_email_activation_status, True)
        self.assertEqual(user, True)

您只需在点击 URL 激活用户后重新运行查询以检查用户状态

class TestUserAccounts(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.client = Client()

        # Initial user data
        self.username = 'TestTest'
        self.email = 'test@test.com'
        self.password = 'test123test'

        # Creating user
            email=self.email, username=self.username, password=self.password)

    def test_activating_user(self):
        '''Activating user account using link in the email'''
        activation_key = EmailActivation.objects.get(
        user_email_activation_status = EmailActivation.objects.get(
        user = User.objects.get(email=self.email).is_active  
        # The initial state of account and email should be inactive
        self.assertEqual(user_email_activation_status, False)
        self.assertEqual(user, False)

        # Activating the account with get request to email/confirm/<key>
        activation = self.client.get(
            reverse('accounts:email-activate', kwargs={'key': activation_key}))

        # Checking if activation was successful
        # get the value again after calling the route to activate the user
        user_email_activation_status = EmailActivation.objects.get(
        user = User.objects.get(email=self.email).is_active
        self.assertEqual(user_email_activation_status, True)
        self.assertEqual(user, True)