
Why POST in red language change the first character of parameters to upper-case automaticlly?


Red []

#include %tools.red

url: to url! rejoin ["http://somesite.com:7466/japi"]

response: write url [
        post [
        Content-Type: "application/json"
        req: "requestinfo"  
        list: "This is a pie."

print response


{"Status":"fail","Value":"unknown request: \u0026{POST /japi HTTP/1.1 1 1 map[Accept:[/] Content-Type:[application/json] Req:[requestinfo] List:[This is a pie.] Content-Length:[0]] {} \u003cnil\u003e 0 [] false somesite.com:7466 map[] map[] \u003cnil\u003e map[] /japi \u003cnil\u003e \u003cnil\u003e \u003cnil\u003e 0xc0002a2640}"}


HTTP/1.1 RFC 在 section 4.2 中说:

Each header field consists of a name followed by a colon (":") and the field value. Field names are case-insensitive.

因此,header 名称的第一个字符的大写在兼容的 HTTP 服务器上没有 side-effect。

不过,从您使用的“参数”术语和源代码中的 req: "requestinfo" 部分来看,我想知道您是否没有尝试将这些信息作为 POST 数据传递,错误地将它们放在 headers 列表中。如果是这样,那么传递它们的正确方法是:

Red []

#include %tools.red

url: http://somesite.com:7466/japi

response: write url [
    POST [Content-Type: "application/json"]

print response