如何在不再次调用 .save 的情况下将子记录的 ID 保存在父记录中?

How can I save the id of a child record in the parent without calling .save again?

我有一个问题,在 Rails 5.1 之前,遗留代码在 after_save 回调中调用 .save,但由于 saved_change_to_attribute 替换 attribute_changed? 的方式在 after_ 回调中,调用 .save 两次是一个问题(.save 影响 .changes)。

我现在需要在不调用 .save 两次的情况下复制相同的行为。

在我的 Rails 5.1.7 应用程序中(准备 5.2 升级):

class OtherModel < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :my_model, inverse_of: :other_model_history

class MyModel < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :other_model_history, class_name: 'OtherModel', inverse_of: :my_model
  belongs_to :latest_other_model, class_name: 'OtherModel'
  before_create :initialize_first_other_model

  def initialize_first_other_model
    initial_other = OtherModel.new(name: 'initial')
    other_model_history << initial_other
    latest_other_model = initial_other
    # When it finally reaches save (this is before_create) I want ActiveRecord to know
    # to save the ID of initial_other in latest_other_model_id ... but it doesn't

当调用 MyModel.new.save 时,initialize_other_model 基于 my_model.id 创建具有正确 other_model.my_model_id 的初始 OtherModel 实例。

但是,my_model.latest_other_model_id 为零。这是尽管 latest_other_model 正确引用 initial_other 对象。

如何告诉 ActiveRecord 它必须设置 my_model.latest_other_model_id = initial_other.id

编辑:ActiveRecord::Base.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)

DEBUG -- :   SQL (0.3ms)  INSERT INTO "my_models" ("created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?)  [["created_at", "2019-05-31 06:12:27.006455"], ["updated_at", "2019-05-31 06:12:27.006455"]]
DEBUG -- :   SQL (0.1ms)  INSERT INTO "other_models" ("my_model_id", "name", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)  [["my_model_id", 3], ["name", "initial"], ["created_at", "2019-05-31 06:12:27.015472"], ["updated_at", "2019-05-31 06:12:27.015472"]]
DEBUG -- :    (1.5ms)  commit transaction

您可以看到首先插入的是 MyModel,没有 other_model,然后插入 OtherModel,其中的 ID 来自 MyModel。我希望 Rails 也知道然后插入 my_models.latest_other_model_id,而不调用 .save

我能够在 after_save 中使用 update_column。这会将引用从 my_model 保存到 other_model 而不会影响 saved_changes。我的回调现在


  initial_other = OtherModel.new(name: 'initial')
  other_model_history << initial_other


update_column('latest_other_model_id', other_model_history.last.id)
