Angular (Javascript) 如何控制mousemove事件的速度?

Angular (Javascript) how to control the speed of mousemove event?


在 canvas 上绘图

你可以在这个blitzy上看到工作演示 我在鼠标移动时调用这个函数来绘制一个矩形

 updateDraw(e: MouseEvent) {

    this.previousCoordinates = this.currentCoordinates;
    this.currentCoordinates = HelloComponent.getCoordinatesOnCanvas(this.canvas.nativeElement, e);
    if (this.drawingMode) {
      HelloComponent.createShape(this.shapes, this.ctx, this.startCoordinates,
        this.currentCoordinates, this.previousCoordinates, true);
      this.endCoordinates = this.currentCoordinates;

问题是,如果我移动鼠标太快,我会得到多个矩形,(我假设透明矩形不起作用,因为鼠标移动太快)我怎样才能避免这种情况应该只有 1 1 次拖动绘制中的矩形?


  private static createShape(shape: Shapes, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
    start: Coordinates, end: Coordinates, prev: Coordinates,
    dotted: boolean) {

    context.clearRect(start.x, start.y, (prev.x - start.x), (prev.y - start.y));



你的想法是对的,问题是你发送到 clearRect 的区域实际上并不包括边界。根据 documentation(强调我的),

The CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeRect() method of the Canvas 2D API draws a rectangle that is stroked (outlined) according to the current strokeStyle and other context settings.


const borderWidth = 1;
const x = Math.min(start.x, prev.x) - borderWidth;
const y = Math.min(start.y, prev.y) - borderWidth;
const width = Math.abs(start.x - prev.x) + (2 * borderWidth);
const height = Math.abs(start.y - prev.y) + (2 * borderWidth);

context.clearRect(x, y, width, height);