如何在 Mule 4 和 DW 2.0 中构建多个 IF 条件?

How to build a multiple IF conditional in Mule 4 and DW 2.0?


var consent = []

function buildConsent() {
   if (condition1) {
       consent += values1

   if (condition2) {
       consent += values2

   if (condition3) {
       consent += values3

这就是我在 Mule4 和 DW 2.0 上的做法:

%dw 2.0
var consent = []
var factIntake = vars.facts

fun buildConsent() =
    if (factIntake.miscFactItems[?($.value1 == true)] != null) {
        consent + {
            "Consent_Type": "some1",
            "Consent_Given_By": "some2"

    if (factIntake.miscFactItems[?($.value2 == true)] != null) {
        consent + {
            "Consent_Type": "some3",
            "Consent_Given_By": "some4"

output application/json
    "Consent_Data": buildConsent()

但我从 IDE (AnypointStudio 7) 收到以下错误:

Invalid input '+', expected Namespace or Attribute<'@('(Name:Value)+')'> (line 11, column 11):

其中第11行第11列是consent +的第一次出现。如果我尝试调试项目,我在控制台中得到的是:

Message : Error while parsing script: %dw 2.0

这里有一个 input/output 的例子,可以让你更好地理解我想要实现的目标:

// Input
    "miscFactItems": [{
            "factId": "designeeFirstName",
            "factValue": "test test",
            "factValueType": "System.String"
        }, {
            "factId": "designeeLastName",
            "factValue": "test test",
            "factValueType": "System.String"
            "factId": "value1",
            "factValue": true,
            "factValueType": "System.Boolean"
        }, {
            "factId": "value2",
            "factValue": true,
            "factValueType": "System.Boolean"
        }, {
            "factId": "value3",
            "factValue": true,
            "factValueType": "System.Boolean"

// Output
consent = [{
             "Consent_Type": "type1",
             "Consent_Given_By": miscFactItems.designeeFirstName
         }, {
             "Consent_Type": "type2",
             "Consent_Given_By": miscFactItems.designeeFirstName
         }, {
             "Consent_Type": "type3",
             "Consent_Given_By": miscFactItems.designeeFirstName

我在这里缺少什么?如何将这三个条件添加到我的函数并将值附加到 consent var?

您的要求看起来很好地使用了 reduce 功能。根据您提供的伪代码,您可以执行如下操作

output application/json
var payload = [  
    {"name":"Ram", "email":"Ram@gmail.com", "state": "CA","age":21},  
    {"name":"Bob", "email":"bob32@gmail.com","state": "CA","age":30},
    {"name":"john", "email":"bob32@gmail.com","state": "NY","age":43} 

payload reduce ((item, consent = []) -> consent +
    (state: item.state) if(item.state=='CA'),
    (age: item.age) if(item.age >25)



%dw 2.0
output application/json  

var consent1 = if (condition1) [{"Consent_Type": "some1", "Consent_Given_By": "some2"}] else []
var consent2 = if (condition2) [{"Consent_Type": "some3", "Consent_Given_By": "some4"}] else []
consent1 ++ consent2