无法获取 IContent 的子项

Unable to get children of IContent

我正在尝试获取 Icontent 对象的 Children

IContent filialsParent = cs.GetById(filialParrentId);

if (filialsParent != null)
    IContentService contentService = Umbraco.Core.Composing.Current.Services.ContentService;
    bool hasChildren = contentService.HasChildren(filialsParent.Id);
    long totalChildren;

    IEnumerable<IContent> children = contentService.GetPagedChildren(filialsParent.Id, 1, 100, out totalChildren);

    foreach (var child in children)
        context.WriteLine(string.Format("child: {0}", child.Name));

    context.WriteLine(string.Format("Children found:({0}) in: {1}", children.Count(), filialParrentId));



我的 long totalChildrencontentService.GetPagedChildren(filialsParent.Id, 1, 100, out totalChildren); 运行后将为 1。

我的 IEnumerable<IContent> children 是空的,因此(当然)是我的 children.Count() 0

遗憾的是 filialsParent 没有包含我希望的功能 .children()

有没有办法获取我的 filialsParent 的子项,是的,它确实有已发布的子项。


==> umbraco 8.0.2

确保你有一个 parent 和几个孩子

// For testing purposes hardcode your parent Id
var contentId = [ID];

// SET for returning total records
long totalChildren;

// int id ==> You even could hardcode your first param (contentID in here)
// long pageIndex ==> SET your index to 0 ==> first indexpage starts at 0 and not 1 ==> if you set this to 1 and the Pagesize = 100  and you have only 99 childeren you wil wil get null because we are requesting the second page
// int pageSize ==> We need max 10 childeren
// out long totalChildren 
// IQuery<IContent> filter = null ==> not used 
// Ordering ordering = null ==> not used
IEnumerable<IContent> children = Services.ContentService.GetPagedChildren(contentId, 0, 10, out totalChildren);