
XPath: Find Next Occurrence of an Element in an Ancestor

我正在尝试在 sec-type='reading'.


XML 样本:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
    <sec sec-type="reading">
        <title>Section 1</title>
        <p>Sample <bold>Bold</bold>Text <fn><label>1</label></fn> Some more text</p>
        <!-- more variations of stuff at various levels -->
            <title>Section 1.1</title>
            <p>Another paragraph with a footnote <fn><label>2</label></fn></p>
            <title>Section 1.2</title>
            <p>Another paragraph with a footnote <fn><label>3</label></fn></p>

    <sec sec-type="reading">
        <title>Section 2</title>
        <p>Sample <bold>Bold</bold>Text <fn><label>6</label></fn> Some more text</p>
        <!-- more variations of stuff at various levels -->
            <title>Section 2.1</title>
            <p>Another paragraph with a footnote <fn><label>8</label></fn></p>
            <title>Section 2.2</title>
            <p>Another paragraph with a footnote <fn><label>9</label></fn></p>

目的是查看 FN 标签在一个部分中是否按顺序排列。我将第二部分编号为 6-9,以便更容易查看它是否正常工作。


Footnote 1 [Next: 2]
Footnote 2 [Next: 3]
Footnote 3 [Next: ]
Footnote 6 [Next: 8]
Footnote 8 [Next: 9]
Footnote 9 [Next: ]

最终目标是return警告Footnote 6 [Next: 8]

这是我目前得到的 schematron。这给了我:

Footnote 1 [Next: 2]
Footnote 2 [Next: 3]
**Footnote 3 [Next: 6]**
Footnote 6 [Next: 8]
Footnote 8 [Next: 9]
Footnote 9 [Next: ]

它找到脚注的下一个实例。但是,我不希望它跨越这些部分 - 所以 Footnote 3 [Next: 6] 是错误的。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schema xmlns="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"
    queryBinding="xslt2"  >

  <!--check if footnotes are sequential within a reading -->
  <pattern id="footnote-sequential"> 
    <rule context="fn"> 
        <let name="next" value="following::fn[1]/label/text()"/>

        <assert test="number(label/text()) > 40">
        Footnote <value-of select='label'/> 
          [Next: <value-of select="$next"/>]

注意:断言中的 number(label/text()) > 40 目前可以捕获所有内容。最终会变成 number(current)+1 != number(next)


我得到的最接近的是 ancestor::sec[@sec-type='reading']//following::fn[1]/label/text() - 但它丢失了 "next" 并给我这样奇怪的结果:

    Footnote 1 [Next: 1236]
    Footnote 2 [Next: 1236]
    Footnote 3 [Next: 1236]
    Footnote 6 [Next: 689]
    Footnote 8 [Next: 689]
    Footnote 9 [Next: 689]



$next 设置为 fn 元素而不是标签文本:

<let name="next" value="following::fn[1]"/>



<let name="sect-fns" value="ancestor::sec[@sec-type='reading']//fn" />

$next$sect-fns 上相交:

<let name="next" value="$next intersect $sect-fns" />

检查 $next 是否为空或其标签是否为 number(./label) + 1:

<assert test="not($next) or number(./label) + 1 = number($next/label)">