通过 android 应用程序在 facebook 墙上 post 是否需要 "publish_action" 许可?

is "publish_action" permission necessary to post on facebook wall through android applicaton?

我只需要 post 在我的应用程序用户的 Facebook 墙上添加一些文字和图片。 在 developers.facebook.com 中注册的 Facebook 应用默认没有 "publish_actions" 权限。我已经提交了此权限的请求,但需要很长时间才能获得批准。 同时看到我的朋友在没有这个 "publish_action" 许可的情况下通过 ios 应用程序执行这个 post 操作我很好奇我是否需要这个许可才能 post 用户墙上的一些文本和图像?请帮帮我..


参考:The Share dialog lets people publish stories from your app without Facebook Login or the publish_actions permission。但是,您仍然必须将您的应用程序发送以供审核。

最好的部分是用户可以在 post 建立在图表 API 上的人身上加标签。作为示例应用程序,我建议您查看 Scrumptious 的工作原理,它预先打包在 FB SDK 中。

你可以检查这个link:Android: How to share image with text on facebook via intent?

对普通文本和图像使用意向共享 post


You can publish posts by using the /{user-id}/feed, /{page-id}/feed, /{event-id}/feed, or /{group-id}/feed edges.

When creating a Post for a Page if you use a user access token the post will be in the voice of the user that posted it. If you use a page access token, the post will be in the voice of the page.


Upload Photos to a User's Profile

This example covers uploading a photo to the current User's profile using the Graph API and the Facebook SDK for PHP.

It assumes that you've already set your default app id and secret, and acquired a FacebookSession using an access token or one of the login helper classes found here. You must have requested the publish_actions scope when logging in the user for this to work.

For more information, see the documentation for GraphObject, FacebookRequest, and FacebookRequestException.


如您所见,您需要 publish_actions 权限才能 post 将 post 与图片和文字相结合。您也需要审核。