java 中的逗号 spit/delimit jsonnode

Comma spit/delimit jsonnode in java

在下面的场景中循环访问名为 'name' 的逗号分隔 json 节点的最佳方法是什么?

        GetStoredValue result = 
        JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(result.getStoredString());
        if (node.has("name")
            && node.has("price")
            && node.has("sku"))
            //iterate through comma delimited "name" value and return the dataSources
            //node: {"name":"test1,test2", "price":30, "sku":"123123123"}

            //{"name":"test1", "price":30, "sku":"123123123"}
            //{"name":"test2", "price":30, "sku":"123123123"}

            ComboPooledDataSource dataSource = createDataSource(node);
            dataSources.put(itemId, dataSource);
            return dataSources.get(itemId);

是的,如果您想将单个节点基本上分成两个,String.split 将是显而易见的解决方案。

如果你的目标 class 有一个可以用来创建它的生成器,那可能是最好的,所以你可以这样做:

private List<Product> fromJsonNode(JsonNode node) {
    String[] names = node.get("name").textValue().split(",");
    // create list of known size
    List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>(ids.length);
    // these values will remain the same for all products
    ProductBuilder builder = Product.builder()
    for (String name : names) {
        // just set the name and create the product with it
    return products;