如何为 Saturn 应用构建集成测试

How to build integrations tests for a Saturn app

我正在尝试为我使用 Saturn framework.

构建的小型 API 构建一些集成测试

API 是用常用的 Saturn 计算表达式构建的,例如 applicationcontrollerrouter

但是为了构建集成测试,我需要替换 application 计算表达式 (ce) 并手工制作一个 WebHostBuilder

我的 application ce 看起来像这样:

module Server 

let app =
    application {
        url ("" + port.ToString() + "/")
        use_router apiRouter
        service_config configureSerialization
        use_config (fun _ ->
            System.Environment.CurrentDirectory <- (System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()).Location
                                                   |> Path.GetDirectoryName
            let configurationRoot =
            let appConfig = FsConfig.AppConfig(configurationRoot)

            let dbPath =
                match appConfig.Get<AppSettings>() with
                | Ok settings when settings.DbConfig.Database.Contains(":memory:") -> settings.DbConfig.Database
                | Ok settings -> Path.Combine(System.Environment.CurrentDirectory, settings.DbConfig.Database)
                | Error _ -> failwithf "Invalid database path"
            { connectionString = dbPath |> sprintf "DataSource=%s;Version=3" })

router 和其中一个 controllers...

let cartController =
    controller {
        create createCartAction
        show getCartAction
        delete deleteCartAction
        subController "/items" cartItemsController

let apiRouter =
    router {
        not_found_handler (setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Not found")
        pipe_through apiPipeline
        forward "/cart" cartController


let configureApp (app : IApplicationBuilder) =
    app.UseGiraffe(Server.apiRouter) \<-- The problem is here. Server.apiRouter is null!

let configureServices (services : IServiceCollection) =
    services.AddGiraffe() |> ignore

let builder = WebHostBuilder()
                .Configure(Action<IApplicationBuilder> configureApp)

let testServer = new TestServer(builder)

let client = testServer.CreateClient()

let! response = client.GetAsync "/"

test <@ HttpStatusCode.OK = response.StatusCode @> 

当测试为 运行 时,它失败并出现以下异常:

System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in System.Private.CoreLib.dll but was not handled in user code: 'A suitable constructor for type 'Giraffe.Middleware+GiraffeMiddleware' could not be located. Ensure the type is concrete and services are registered for all parameters of a public constructor.' 

问题似乎出在行 app.UseGiraffe(Server.apiRouter) 上。 apiRouter 是在 API 项目的 Server 模块中定义的 - 但是当测试项目 Server.apiRouter 中的这段代码 运行 是 null 时。

但是,如果我将测试代码移动到与 API 相同的项目中 - 测试将完美运行。


原来这跟Saturn一点关系都没有。这与 F# 启动 modules 的方式有关。 The answer can be found here

如所引用的 post 中的建议。我只是添加了一个 [<EntryPoint>] 函数,一切都按预期工作。