
Loop Never Completes Within Recursive Function

我正在构建一个程序来恢复句子的括号,使它们成为格式正确的公式(句子逻辑中的 WFF)。例如,



# returns index of wff
def findConnective(wff, indexes):
    if len(wff) == None:
        return -1
    if (len(wff) <= 1):
        return -1                                   # it's an atomic

    for i in range(len(wff)):                       # looping through all chars in wff
        if set([i]) & set(indexes):                     # if operator has already been used
        else:                                           # if operator has not been usedl
            for j in range(len(connectives)):           # looping through all of the connectives
                if wff[i] == connectives[j]:            # if the wff contains the connective
                    indexes.append(i)                   # keeps track of which operators have already been used
                    return i
# returns what's on left of operator
def createLeft(wff, opIndex):
    if opIndex == -1:
        return wff          # return the atomic
        return wff[:opIndex]

# returns what's on right of operator
def createRight(wff, opIndex):
    if opIndex == -1:
        return wff          # return the atomic
        return wff[opIndex+1:]
# returns number of connectives
def numConnectives(wff):
    count = 0
    for c in wff:
        if c == connectives:
            count += 1
    return count
def rec(wff):
    result = []
    ind = []                            # list storing indexes of connectives used
    if len(wff) == 1:
        return wff
        for i in range(numConnectives(wff)):
            opIndex = findConnective(wff, ind)          # index where the operator is at

            right   = createRight(wff, opIndex)     # right formula
                                                    # the first time it goes through, right is b>c
                                                    # then right is c
            left    = createLeft(wff, opIndex)      # left formula
                                                    # left is a
                                                    # then it is b
            return "(" + rec(left) + wff[opIndex] + rec(right) + ")"

我的输出是 (a>(b>c)),而它应该是 (a>(b>c)) AND ((a>b)>c)。发生这种情况是因为递归函数内部的循环从不选择第二个运算符来执行递归调用。当return语句在for循环外时,输出为((a>b)>c)


尽管 rec()for 循环中的 return 是特定问题,但我认为总体问题是您使问题变得比需要的更难。您在处理 connectives 时也不一致,有时是一组字符 range(len(connectives)),有时是单个字符 wff[i] == connectives[j]。这是我对您的代码的简化:

connectives = {'>'}

def findConnectives(wff):
    ''' returns index of wff '''

    if wff is None or len(wff) <= 1:
        yield -1  # it's an atomic
        for i, character in enumerate(wff):  # looping through all chars in wff
            if character in connectives:  # if the wff contains the connective
                yield i

def createLeft(wff, opIndex):

    ''' returns what's on left of operator '''

    return wff[:opIndex]

def createRight(wff, opIndex):

    ''' returns what's on right of operator '''

    return wff[opIndex + 1:]

def rec(wff):
    if len(wff) == 1:
        return [wff]

    result = []

    for opIndex in findConnectives(wff):
        if opIndex == -1:

        left = createLeft(wff, opIndex) # left formula

        right = createRight(wff, opIndex)  # right formula

        for left_hand in rec(left):
            for right_hand in rec(right):
                result.append("(" + left_hand + wff[opIndex] + right_hand + ")")

    return result



% python3 test.py
['(a>(b>c))', '((a>b)>c)']