vim: 如何语法高亮一行,使其一部分格式为 A 而另一部分格式为 B?

vim: How do I syntax highlight a line so that one part of it is formatted as A and the other part is formatted as B?

我今天已经花了几个小时,在线研究并阅读了 vim 手册。我已经无计可施了。我想用时间戳格式化行,使它们有绿色文本,同时将时间戳本身加粗。例如,如果我有以下 4 行:

1  [ 20:42:57 20190601 ] Apple car truck a whole bunch of other nonsense
2  ball baby zebra more nonsense
3  [ 20:43:12 20190601 ] dog blah blah blah
4  circle mouse rat up down left right b a b a select start

然后包含时间戳的两行(第 2 行和第 4 行)将有绿色文本,时间戳本身([ 20:42:57 20190601 ][ 20:43:12 20190601 ]) 将是粗体。


syntax match timestampline "\[ \([0-9]\{2}\:\)\{2}[0-9]\{2} [0-9]\{8} \].*$"
highlight timestampline ctermfg=green ctermbg=NONE
syntax match timestamponly "\[ \([0-9]\{2}\:\)\{2}[0-9]\{2} [0-9]\{8} \]"
highlight timestamponly cterm=bold



syntax match timestampline "\[ \([0-9]\{2}\:\)\{2}[0-9]\{2} [0-9]\{8} \]\{-}\zs.*$"
highlight timestampline ctermfg=green ctermbg=NONE
syntax match timestamponly "\[ \([0-9]\{2}\:\)\{2}[0-9]\{2} [0-9]\{8} \]\ze"
highlight timestamponly ctermfg=green ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold



:help :syn-priority:

When several syntax items may match, these rules are used:

  1. When multiple Match or Region items start in the same position, the item defined last has priority.

所以在你的代码中 timestamponly 总是赢,timestampline 永远不会被使用。


syntax match timestampline /.*$/ contained
highlight timestampline ctermfg=green

syntax match timestamponly /\[ \d\{2}:\d\{2}:\d\{2} \d\{8} \]/ nextgroup=timestampline
highlight timestamponly ctermfg=green cterm=bold