pts.js 'NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: ' 尝试将图像用于粒子时出错

pts.js 'NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: ' Error when trying to use an image for a particle

我想为 pts.js 中的粒子加载相同的图像。

当我尝试使用资产文件夹中的本地图像时,我在控制台中收到错误 "NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE:"。


我也试过使用外部 link 到其他图像而不是本地图像,并且有效。所以不确定我的本地文件发生了什么。


我刚刚在 chrome 而不是 firefox 上试过,我收到了一条新的更详细的错误消息。

"Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'drawImage' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2D': The HTMLImageElement provided is in the 'broken' state." 在 pts.min.js:6.


Pts.quickStart('#hello', 'transparent')

var world

// Loading in image to be used
var myImg = new Image()
myImg.src = '/assets/img/myImage.png'

  start: (bound, space) => {
    // Create world and 100 random points
    world = new World(space.innerBound, 1, 0)
    let pts = Create.distributeRandom(space.innerBound, 20)

    // Create particles and hit them with a random impulse
    for (let i = 0, len = pts.length; i < len; i++) {
      let p = new Particle(pts[i]).size(i === 0 ? 10 : 20)
      p.hit(0, 0)

    world.particle(0).lock = true

  animate: (time, ftime) => {
    world.drawParticles((p, i) => {

// Image variable for the particle to be drawn as


  action: (type, px, py) => {
    if (type == 'move') {
      world.particle(0).position = new Pt(px, py)

  resize: (bound, evt) => {
    if (world) world.bound = space.innerBound


要在canvas上绘制图片,需要先加载图片。您可以使用 myImg.addEventListener( 'load', ... ) 跟踪它。

加载后,您可以在 Pts 的动画循环中 form.image( myImg, ... ) 使用它。


Pts.quickStart( "#pt", "#123" );

//// Demo code starts (anonymous function wrapper is optional) ---

(function() {

  var world;
  var imgReady = false;

    // Loading in image to be used
    var myImg = new Image()
    myImg.src = '';
    myImg.addEventListener('load', function() {
        imgReady = true;
    }, false);

  space.add( {

    start: (bound, space) => {

      // Create world and 100 random points
      world = new World( space.innerBound, 1, 0 );
      let pts = Create.distributeRandom( space.innerBound, 100 );

      // Create particles and hit them with a random impulse
      for (let i=0, len=pts.length; i<len; i++) {
        let p = new Particle( pts[i] ).size( (i===0) ? 30 : 3+Math.random()*space.size.x/50 );
        p.hit( Num.randomRange(-50,50), Num.randomRange(-25, 25) );
        world.add( p );

      world.particle( 0 ).lock = true; // lock it to move it by pointer later on


    animate: (time, ftime) => {
      world.drawParticles( (p, i) => {
        if (imgReady) {
          console.log( p )
          form.image(myImg, [p.$subtract( p.radius ), p.$add( p.radius )] );

      world.update( ftime );

    action:( type, px, py) => {
      if (type == "move") {
        world.particle( 0 ).position = new Pt(px, py);

    resize: (bound, evt) => {
      if (world) world.bound = space.innerBound;

