MailChimp API 3.0:尝试创建列表时状态 403 "User does not have access to the requested operation"

MailChimp API 3.0: Status 403 "User does not have access to the requested operation" when trying to create a list

一段时间以来,我的 API 客户端无法根据参考资料通过 API 创建列表:



{"type":"","title":"User action not permitted","status":403,"detail":"User does not have access to the requested operation","instance":"0995ebf7-f121-48d7-8cf5-2998a831206d"}

加载(获取)列表的 API 调用仍然有效。我也用新生成的 API 密钥尝试过,但结果是一样的。

此外,我在使用 Playground 时得到了相同的结果:


我有同样的问题,显然 mailchimp 在 2019/05/15 引入了一种新的定价模式,限制了免费用户的列表数量:


You already have the max amount of audiences allowed in your plan, but you can add more contacts to an existing audience and organize them using tags or segments. If you want to add another audience, you'll need to upgrade your plan.