Semigroup 和 Monoid 实例中的约束差异

Difference of constraints in Semigroup and Monoid instances

为什么 Monoid 实例需要 (Ord a, Ord b) 约束而 Semigroup 实例不需要?

这取决于 Category.Constrained class 还是使用 GADT 来定义数据类型?

{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies, ConstraintKinds, StandaloneDeriving #-}

module Question3 where

import Control.Category.Constrained as CC
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Map as M

data RelationMS a b where
  IdRMS :: RelationMS a a
  RMS :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map a (Set b) -> RelationMS a b 
deriving instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (RelationMS a b)

RMS mp2 `compRMS` RMS mp1
  | M.null mp2 || M.null mp1 = RMS M.empty
  | otherwise = RMS $ M.foldrWithKey 
        (\k s acc -> M.insert k (S.foldr (\x acc2 -> case M.lookup x mp2 of
                                                    Nothing -> acc2
                                                    Just s2 -> S.union s2 acc2
                                         ) S.empty s
                                ) acc
        ) M.empty mp1

instance Category RelationMS where
    type Object RelationMS o = Ord o
    id = IdRMS
    (.) = compRMS

instance Semigroup (RelationMS a b) where 
    RMS r1 <> RMS r2 = RMS $ M.foldrWithKey (\k s acc -> M.insertWith S.union k s acc) r1  r2 

instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Monoid (RelationMS a b) where
    mempty = RMS $ M.empty
    mappend = (<>)

Why Monoid instance need (Ord a, Ord b) constraints while Semigroup instance doesn't?

尝试移除约束并让 GHC 告诉您原因。

ac.hs:33:14: error:
    • No instance for (Ord a) arising from a use of ‘RMS’
      Possible fix:
        add (Ord a) to the context of the instance declaration
    • In the expression: RMS $ M.empty
      In an equation for ‘mempty’: mempty = RMS $ M.empty
      In the instance declaration for ‘Monoid (RelationMS a b)’
33 |     mempty = RMS $ M.empty

所以 RMS 需要 Ord a?你说:

  RMS :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map a (Set b) -> RelationMS a b



Semigroup 实例至少在概念上也需要 Ord,但是您已经将其打包到 GADT 中(Id 情况除外,它不是需要,因为它很简单),因此无需在实例头中提及约束。

然而,对于 mempty,您 没有 手头的 RelationMS 值,您可以从中读出 (Ord a, Ord b) 约束.恰恰相反:您需要提供这些约束,因为您现在正试图结束这样一个 GADT!这就是为什么 Monoid 实例的头部需要约束,而 Semigroup 实例不需要。