我们可以在 iOS13 中模拟 NFC 卡吗?

Can we emulate NFC cards in iOS 13?

A​​pple 刚刚发布了新的 NFC Core API 到 public。


Core NFC

With Core NFC framework, your apps can now support tag writing, including writing to NDEF formatted tags. The framework also provides supports for reading and writing tags using native protocols such as ISO 7816, MIFARE, ISO 15693, and FeliCa. For more information, see the Core NFC framework documentation.


所以,现在我们已经读写了 API,我阅读了所有关于 Core NFC 的文档,但我找不到关于卡模拟的信息。

这是否意味着我们可以像 Android HCE 一样模拟该卡? 如果是,我必须使用什么API?

在 iOS 13 Core NFC 中也找不到任何 HCE 支持的迹象,这真的不足为奇。支持 HCE 将使支付公司更容易实施 Apple Pay 的替代方案,Apple 肯定会阻止这种情况。

Apple 确实提供 HCE,但是它在 Apply Pay 下,使用 Apple Wallet,并且需要您必须向 Apple 申请的特殊权利和证书。

The Wallet app on iPhone, iPod touch, and Apple Watch allows users to easily manage payment cards, boarding passes, tickets, gift cards, and other passes. Wallet is time and location enabled, so passes can be configured to display on the user’s device at the appropriate moment...

Near Field Communication

Passes can work with Near Field Communication (NFC) readers for contactless redemption. Users hold their device near a reader with contactless symbol to use a pass, with no need for a barcode. If you’re developing an NFC-enabled pass to use with Apple Pay, you’ll need to request an NFC certificate.

(Source: https://developer.apple.com/wallet/get-started/ )


NFC Certificate Request

Thank you for your interest in developing an NFC-enabled pass to use with Apple Pay. Before we provide an NFC Certificate, we need some additional information about your company and how you propose to use NFC with your pass in Wallet.