需要帮助从 bash 脚本格式化 Tshark 命令字符串

Need help formatting Tshark command string from bash script

我正在尝试 运行 多个并行实例到 tshark 以梳理目录中的大量 pcap 文件并将过滤后的内容复制到新文件。我正在 运行 遇到 Tshark 在我输入的命令上抛出错误的问题。

它一定与 tshark 解释命令字符串的方式有关,因为我可以将格式化的命令字符串复制/粘贴到控制台并且它 运行 很好。我试过用几种方法格式化命令,并阅读了其他有类似问题的人的帖子。我相信我的格式正确...但仍然出现错误。


脚本 #1:- 过滤器

#Takes user arguments <directory> and <filter> and runs a filter on all captures for a given directory.
#Add user prompts and data sanitization to avoid running bogus job.
#Add concatenation via mergecap /w .pcap suffix
#Delete filtered, unmerged files
#Add mtime filter for x days of logs
if [ = '']; then echo "no directory specified, you must specify a directory (VLAN)"
else if [ = '']; then echo "no filter specified, you must specify a valid tshark filter expression"
        echo  > /home/captures-user/filtered/filter-reference
        find /home/captures-user/Captures/ -type f | xargs -P 5 -L 1 /home/captures-user/tshark-worker
        rm /home/captures-user/filtered/filter-reference
echo Start time is $starttime
echo End time is $(date)

脚本 #2:- tshark-worker

#  = path and file name

#takes the output from the 'filter' command stored in a file and loads a local variable with it
filter=$(cat /home/captures-user/filtered/filter-reference)

#strips the directory off the current working file
file=$(sed 's/.*\///' <<<  )

echo  'is the file to run' $filter 'on.'

#runs the filter and places the filtered results in the /filtered directory
command=$"tshark -r  -Y '$filter' -w /home/captures-user/filtered/$file-filtered"
echo $command

当我 运行 ./filter ICE 'ip.addr ==' 我得到每个文件的以下输出。请注意,在过滤器表达式中包含 == 不是问题,我已尝试替换 'or' 并获得相同的输出。此外,tshark 没有任何别名,也没有使用该名称的脚本。它是 /usr/sbin.

中的原始 tshark 可执行文件


/home/captures-user/Captures/ICE/ICE-2019-05-26_00:00:01 is the file to run ip.addr == on.

tshark -r /home/captures-user/Captures/ICE/ICE-2019-05-26_00:00:01 -Y 'ip.addr ==' -w /home/captures-user/filtered/ICE-2019-05-26_00:00:01-filtered

tshark: Display filters were specified both with "-d" and with additional command-line arguments.

正如我在评论中提到的,我认为这是引用问题以及由于过滤器中的空格(并且可能在文件名 and/or 路径中)导致命令的构造方式的问题。

您可以尝试将 tshark-worker 脚本更改为如下内容:

#  = path and file name

#takes the output from the 'filter' command stored in a file and loads a local variable with it
filter="$(cat /home/captures-user/filtered/filter-reference)"

#strips the directory off the current working file
file="$(sed 's/.*\///' <<<  )"

echo  'is the file to run' $filter 'on.'

#runs the filter and places the filtered results in the /filtered directory
tshark -r "" -Y "${filter}" -w "${file}"-filtered