我想在两个列表之间应用 Except 。一个列表是 MailAddress 格式,另一个是字符串(转换为列表))

I want to apply Except between two lists. One list is in MailAddress format and other is a String (Converted to list))

我想在两个列表之间应用 Except。一个列表是 MailAddress 格式,另一个是 String(转换为列表))?

         List<MailAddress> toemails = new List<MailAddress>();
            //List<String> emailsFrom = address.Split(';').ToList();
            List<string> temp1 = new List<string>();
            List<MailAddress> temp2 = new List<MailAddress>();
            List<MailAddress> temp3 = new List<MailAddress>();

      //message.to gives me a list of messages (outgoing)
            foreach (var e in message.To)

           //result contains a list of emails fetched (count=7)
            var result = from lst in ListofEmails where lst.ToLower().Length < 50 select lst;
            temp1 = result.ToList();

            //(Not able to understand this, how to proceed)

            // toemails = temp2.Except(temp1.);
            // MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();

Except 的输出结果应该是 MailAddress 个对象的列表。

无需使用 Except,只需使用基本的 LINQ:

因为 temp1 包含 e-mail 个地址...

toemails = temp2.Where(email =>
          !temp1.Any(e => e.Equals(email.Address, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))).ToList();