为什么我在 R 中使用 Plotly 制作图表时收到 "no scatter mode specified" 错误消息?

Why am I receiving a "no scatter mode specified" error message when making a graph with Plotly in R?

我在 运行 我的代码时收到以下错误:

plot_ly(data, x = ~RighttoWork_NonRtw, 
              y = ~market_value_level_unfunded_liability, 
              text = ~paste("State: ", state,
                            "Market Value Level Unfunded Liability", market_value_level_unfunded_liability),  
              color = ~market_value_level_unfunded_liability,  
              size = ~market_value_level_unfunded_liability, 
              type = "scatter")

No scatter mode specifed: Setting the mode to markers Read more about this attribute -> https://plot.ly/r/reference/#scatter-mode Error: size/width values must be numeric .



没有可重现的例子很难回答。首先,您可以指定 mode。然后你可以尝试指定标记。在这里,我使用您的代码作为 mtcars 数据集的示例。标记的大小在这里按 3 缩放,因为有时 plotly 的 size 参数无法理解某些值。

除此之外,您的错误是由于 market_value_level_unfunded_liability,您的 y 变量似乎不是数字。您应该以合理的方式将其转换为数字(如果因子具有数字级别,请使用 as.numeric(as.character()))。

data <- mtcars

plot_ly(data, x = ~mpg, 
        y = ~qsec, 
        text = ~paste("State: ", carb,
                      "Market Value Level Unfunded Liability", qsec),  
        color = ~qsec,  
        size = ~qsec,
        type   = 'scatter', 
        mode   = 'markers',
        marker = list(size = ~qsec*3)