如何使用 plotly R 创建带有颜色渐变的加权散点图/气泡图

How do I create weighted scatter plot / bubble chart with color gradient using plotly R

我正在尝试使用 plotly 生成加权 scatterplot/bubble 图表。我的数据集包含 4 列:

1) 基准 2)型号 3)改进 4) 体重

我试图让 x 轴成为基准,y 轴成为模型。点的大小是权重,颜色是基于改进值的渐变。除了渐变之外,我都能正常工作。


BenchmarkQuant <- c("A","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","C")
ModelQuant     <- c("X","Y","Z","X","Y","Z","X","Y","Z")
ModelImprovement <- c(runif(9))
SumExposure <-    c(runif(9))*100

data <- as.data.frame(cbind(BenchmarkQuant,ModelQuant,ModelImprovement,SumExposure))
data$SumExposure <- as.numeric(data$SumExposure)

p <- plot_ly(data,
             x = ~BenchmarkQuant,
             y = ~ModelQuant,
             type = 'scatter',
             mode = 'markers',  
             size = ~SumExposure,  
             color = (ModelImprovement), #These are the 2 lines causing issues
             colors = 'Reds',            #These are the 2 lines causing issues
             #Choosing the range of the bubbles' sizes:
             sizes = c(20, 75), 
             marker = list(opacity = 0.5, sizemode = 'diameter')) %>%
  layout(title = 'Model Comparison',
         xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE),
         showlegend = TRUE)



Error in Summary.factor(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L), na.rm = TRUE) : 
  ‘range’ not meaningful for factors
In addition: Warning message:
`line.width` does not currently support multiple values. 

当 运行 上面的代码但是如果我不包含关于颜色的 2 行它可以工作,除了没有渐变。


p <- plot_ly(data,
             x = ~BenchmarkQuant,
             y = ~ModelQuant,
             type = 'scatter',
             mode = 'markers',  
             size = ~SumExposure, 
             colors = 'Reds',
             hoverinfo = 'x+y+text', text = ~paste("Improvement: ", ModelImprovement, "<br>"),

             #Choosing the range of the bubbles' sizes:
             sizes = c(20, 75), 
             marker = list(opacity = 0.5, sizemode = 'diameter',
                           color = ~ModelImprovement,
                           line = list(
                             color = ~ModelImprovement,
                             width = 1),
                           colorbar=list(title='Colorbar'))) %>%
  layout(title = 'Model Comparison',
         xaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE),
         yaxis = list(showgrid = FALSE),
         showlegend = FALSE)
