如何 运行 Coral CPU 上的张量流模型

How to run tensorflow model on Coral CPU

是否有可能 运行 Tensorflow 模型不在 Edge-TPU 而在 Coral 的 CPU 上?
是否可以为 Mendel OS 构建 Tensorflow?

我有 edge 编译器无法转换的模型。

任何与 Edge TPU 不兼容的模型都默认在 CPU 上 运行。来自 TensorFlow on Edge TPU >Model Requirements 文档:

If your model does not meet these requirements entirely, it can still compile, but only a portion of the model will execute on the Edge TPU. At the first point in the model graph where an unsupported operation occurs, the compiler partitions the graph into two parts. The first part of the graph that contains only supported operations is compiled into a custom operation that executes on the Edge TPU, and everything else executes on the CPU

您能否将您的模型转换为 TFLite?