Laravel 具有特征的控制台命令

Laravel Console Command with a Trait

我为正在处理的特征设置了一些配置变量,其中之一是 data_format 变量,它可以是 json 或 xml。


$this->data_format = config('rightmove.FORMAT');

在控制器中,我可以 运行 一个 dd($this->data_format) 并且它 returns : "json"

我已经将其设为控制台命令,但是当我尝试 运行 带有 dd $this->data_format 的控制台命令时 returns



我已经 运行 一个 php artisan config:cache 命令来清除缓存,但控制台似乎没有获取该配置变量?

我的 App\Console\Commands\UpdateRightMove 看起来如下:


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;

use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Traits\RightMoveTrait;
use App\Property;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use QCod\AppSettings\Setting\AppSettings;

class UpdateRightmove extends Command
    use RightMoveTrait;

    private $is_set;

     * The name and signature of the console command.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'rightmove:update';

     * The console command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Updates Rightmove - Creates / Updates and Deletes properties from the Rightmove API';

     * Create a new command instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

        $this->is_set = setting('rightmove');

     * Execute the console command.
     * @return mixed
    public function handle()

        if($this->is_set == 1)
            // Rightmove is Enabled via settings (Run Command)...
            $now = Carbon::now();

            // Check App Cache for Last Time RightMove Artisan Command was Ran...
            //$last_ran = cache('rightmove_update');
            $last_ran = '2019-06-07 14:52:40';

            if($last_ran == NULL)
                // Send ALL Properties to Rightmove, First Time Ran....
                $properties = Property::whereNotNull('ref')
                    ->where('beds', '>', 0 )
                    ->where('price', '>', 0)
                    ->where('name', '!=', '')
                    ->where('city', '!=', '')
                    ->whereRaw('LENGTH(postcode) >= 5')
                $from_date = Carbon::now();

                // Get a Difference between last ran and now...
                $time_diff = $from_date->diffInHours($last_ran);

                // This will run and get properties that have changed since the last task ran
                $to_date = Carbon::now()->subHours($time_diff);

                // Get Filtered Properties & One's added / updated in last 12 hours...
                $properties = Property::whereNotNull('ref')
                    ->where('beds', '>', 0 )
                    ->where('price', '>', 0)
                    ->where('name', '!=', '')
                    ->where('city', '!=', '')
                    ->whereRaw('LENGTH(postcode) >= 5')
                    ->whereBetween('created_at', [$to_date, $from_date])
                    ->orWhereBetween('updated_at', [$to_date, $from_date])

            // Get Settings....
            if(setting('overseas') == 0)
                // UK Based....
                // Overseas....

            Cache::rememberForever('rightmove_update', function()
                return now()->toDateTimeString();



namespace App\Traits;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use App\Property;
use App\PropertyType;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

trait RightMoveTrait
    private $network_id;
    private $branch_id;
    private $data_format;
    private $environment;
    private $allow_delete;
    private $current_time;

    public function __construct()
        $this->network_id = config('rightmove.NETWORK_ID');
        $this->branch_id = config('rightmove.BRANCH_ID');
        $this->data_format = config('rightmove.FORMAT');
        $this->allow_delete = config('rightmove.ALLOW_DELETE');
        $this->environment = config('rightmove.ENVIRONMENT');

        $now = Carbon::now();
        $this->current_time = $now;

        $this->refs = [];

    function update_feed_uk($properties)

Edit 控制台 运行 似乎跳过了特征中的 __construct。因此,在控制台命令 (UpdateRightMove) 的构造方法中,我添加了变量并且它可以正常工作。

 public function __construct()

        $this->is_set = setting('rightmove');

        $this->network_id = config('rightmove.NETWORK_ID');
        $this->branch_id = config('rightmove.BRANCH_ID');
        $this->data_format = config('rightmove.FORMAT');
        $this->allow_delete = config('rightmove.ALLOW_DELETE');
        $this->environment = config('rightmove.ENVIRONMENT');

        $now = Carbon::now();
        $this->current_time = $now;

        $this->refs = [];

你的特征的 __construct() 函数没有被调用,因为 class 使用它自己的 __construct() 函数。

在你的 UpdateRightmove class:

use RightMoveTrait {
    RightMoveTrait::__construct as private _rightMoveTraitConstruct;

public function __construct()

    $this->is_set = setting('rightmove');