具有网关服务器作为服务的 Apollo 联邦

Apollo federation with gateway server as service

问题摘要已在 Github 问题中描述:


简而言之,有没有一种方法可以实现 Apollo Federation,使网关本身拥有自己的架构?

联合 Apollo 服务器,其中网关本身有一个模式

@apollo/gateway@0.6.5 @apollo/federation@0.6.2


当我实例化我的 Apollo 网关服务器时,我希望我应该能够合并来自联合服务的模式,以及来自网关本身的模式。


网关服务器无法挂载 /graphql 路由,因为它期望所有服务在挂载前都处于 运行ning 状态。

在 运行 时间,以下错误被打印到控制台:

POST /graphql 404 11.251 ms - 147
Encountered error when loading gateway-app at http://localhost:8000/graphql: invalid json response body at http://localhost:8000/graphql reason: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
[DEBUG] Fri Jun 07 2019 12:11:07 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) apollo-gateway: Configuration loaded for Gateway
[DEBUG] Fri Jun 07 2019 12:11:07 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) apollo-gateway: Composing schema from service list:
TypeError: schema.toConfig is not a function
    at Object.composeServices (/gateway-app/node_modules/@apollo/federation/dist/composition/compose.js:191:67)
    at Object.composeAndValidate (/gateway-app/node_modules/@apollo/federation/dist/composition/composeAndValidate.js:13:41)
    at ApolloGateway.createSchema (/gateway-app/node_modules/@apollo/gateway/dist/index.js:90:47)
    at ApolloGateway.<anonymous> (/gateway-app/node_modules/@apollo/gateway/dist/index.js:81:22)
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (/gateway-app/node_modules/@apollo/gateway/dist/index.js:4:58)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)


const url = new URL(`redis://${REDIS_URL}:${REDIS_PORT}/${REDIS_DATABASE}`).toString()

const cache = new RedisCache({ url })

const context = ({ req }) => {
  if (!(req.user || req.headers.authorization === ROUTE_AUTH)) {
    throw new AuthenticationError('Not authenticated')
  return { user: req.user, req: req }

try {
  const loadGateway = async () => {
    try {
      const { schema, executor } = await gateway.load()
      return { schema, executor }
    } catch (err) {
      return null

  const gateway = new ApolloGateway({
    debug: process.env.ENV !== 'prod',
    serviceList: [
      { name: 'gateway', url: `${GATEWAY_HOSTNAME}/graphql` },
      { name: 'remote-svc', url: `${REMOTE_SERVICE_HOSTNAME}/graphql` },

  const { schema, executor } = loadGateway()
  const server = new ApolloServer({
    engine: { apiKey: ENGINE_API_KEY },
    tracing: true,
  server.applyMiddleware({ app })
} catch (err) {


  1. Apollo 网关服务器不能也不应该是具有自己模式的联合服务(参见 Github Issue #2792)。


I'll jump to a conclusion here based on the naming of your service: are you trying to run the gateway at port 8000 and treat it as a federated service at the same time? If so, that's not going to work; the gateway has to resolve all schemas before it can compose the final schema.

  1. GraphQL 核心依赖项必须至少为 14.2.0 版本(参见 Github Issue #2825)。

来自 GraphQL JS 变更日志:

toConfig is intended to help with schema transformation by minimizing the amount of code you need write and maintain, e.g. recreateType from graphql-tools.

When I worked on graphql-voyager I created my own intermidiate format just to do schema transformations.

Moreover, toConfig will prevent bugs that occur when a new field is added. For example, lexicographicSortSchema doesn't respect newly added assumeValid and allowedLegacyNames fields.

将架构从网关迁移到它自己的联合服务并将我的核心 GraphQL 依赖项更新到适当的版本后,我成功地实现了 gateway/federation 模式。