使用 KTOR 和 EXPOSED 具有 table 关系的 CRUD
CRUD with table relationship using KTOR and EXPOSED
我在使用 KTOR 和 EXPOSED 时遇到问题,因为使用表之间的关系会出现问题。
class LegalPersonService {
suspend fun findAll(): List<LegalPerson> = dbQuery {
LegalPersons.selectAll().map { toLp(it) }
suspend fun insert(lp: LegalPerson, ph: Phone) = dbQuery {
LegalPersons.insert {
it[id] = lp.id
it[internalId] = lp.internalId
it[companyId] = lp.companyId
it[active] = lp.active
it[tradeName] = lp.tradeName
it[fantasyName] = lp.fantasyName
it[email] = lp.fantasyName
it[cnpj] = lp.cnpj
it[stateRegistration] = lp.stateRegistration
it[muninipalRegistration] = lp.muninipalRegistration
it[address] = lp.address
}.let {
Phones.insert {
it[id] = ph.id
it[internalId] = ph.internalId
it[phone] = ph.phone
private fun toLp(row: ResultRow): LegalPerson =
id = row[Phones.id],
internalId = row[Phones.internalId],
phone = row[Phones.phone]
).let {
id = row[LegalPersons.id],
internalId = row[LegalPersons.internalId],
companyId = row[LegalPersons.companyId],
active = row[LegalPersons.active],
tradeName = row[LegalPersons.tradeName],
fantasyName = row[LegalPersons.fantasyName],
email = row[LegalPersons.email],
cnpj = row[LegalPersons.cnpj],
stateRegistration = row[LegalPersons.stateRegistration],
muninipalRegistration = row[LegalPersons.muninipalRegistration],
address = row[LegalPersons.address]
// *** LEGAL PERSONS ***
data class LegalPerson(
val id: UUID,
val internalId: Long,
val companyId: UUID,
val active: Boolean,
val tradeName: String,
val fantasyName: String,
val email: String,
val cnpj: String,
val stateRegistration: String,
val muninipalRegistration: String,
val address: UUID
object LegalPersons : Table("person.legal_person") {
val id: Column<UUID> = uuid("id").autoIncrement().primaryKey()
val internalId: Column<Long> = long("internal_id").autoIncrement()
val companyId: Column<UUID> = uuid("company_id")
val active: Column<Boolean> = bool("active")
val tradeName: Column<String> = varchar("trade_name", 100)
val fantasyName: Column<String> = varchar("fantasy_name", 100)
val email: Column<String> = varchar("email", 100)
val cnpj: Column<String> = varchar("cnpj", 18)
val stateRegistration: Column<String> = varchar("state_registration", 20)
val muninipalRegistration: Column<String> = varchar("municipal_registration", 20)
val address: Column<UUID> = uuid("address")
// *** PHONES ***
data class Phone(
val id: UUID,
val internalId: Long,
val phone: UUID
object Phones : Table("person.phone_legal_person") {
val id: Column<UUID> = reference("id", LegalPersons.id).primaryKey()
val internalId: Column<Long> = long("internal_id").autoIncrement()
val phone: Column<UUID> = uuid("phone")
ERROR Application - Unhandled: POST - /api/clients/lp/
io.ktor.gson.UnsupportedNullValuesException: Receiving null values is not supported
有人能帮忙吗?我使用的是 DLS 而不是 DAO。
suspend fun insert(lp: LegalPerson) = dbQuery {
val ids = UUID.randomUUID()
LegalPersons.insert {
it[id] = ids
it[companyId] = lp.companyId
it[active] = lp.active
it[tradeName] = lp.tradeName
it[fantasyName] = lp.fantasyName
it[email] = lp.fantasyName
it[cnpj] = lp.cnpj
it[stateRegistration] = lp.stateRegistration
it[muninipalRegistration] = lp.muninipalRegistration
it[address] = lp.address
Phones.batchInsert(lp.phones) { phone ->
this[Phones.id] = ids
this[Phones.phone] = phone.phone
我在使用 KTOR 和 EXPOSED 时遇到问题,因为使用表之间的关系会出现问题。 我的服务配置如下:
class LegalPersonService {
suspend fun findAll(): List<LegalPerson> = dbQuery {
LegalPersons.selectAll().map { toLp(it) }
suspend fun insert(lp: LegalPerson, ph: Phone) = dbQuery {
LegalPersons.insert {
it[id] = lp.id
it[internalId] = lp.internalId
it[companyId] = lp.companyId
it[active] = lp.active
it[tradeName] = lp.tradeName
it[fantasyName] = lp.fantasyName
it[email] = lp.fantasyName
it[cnpj] = lp.cnpj
it[stateRegistration] = lp.stateRegistration
it[muninipalRegistration] = lp.muninipalRegistration
it[address] = lp.address
}.let {
Phones.insert {
it[id] = ph.id
it[internalId] = ph.internalId
it[phone] = ph.phone
private fun toLp(row: ResultRow): LegalPerson =
id = row[Phones.id],
internalId = row[Phones.internalId],
phone = row[Phones.phone]
).let {
id = row[LegalPersons.id],
internalId = row[LegalPersons.internalId],
companyId = row[LegalPersons.companyId],
active = row[LegalPersons.active],
tradeName = row[LegalPersons.tradeName],
fantasyName = row[LegalPersons.fantasyName],
email = row[LegalPersons.email],
cnpj = row[LegalPersons.cnpj],
stateRegistration = row[LegalPersons.stateRegistration],
muninipalRegistration = row[LegalPersons.muninipalRegistration],
address = row[LegalPersons.address]
// *** LEGAL PERSONS ***
data class LegalPerson(
val id: UUID,
val internalId: Long,
val companyId: UUID,
val active: Boolean,
val tradeName: String,
val fantasyName: String,
val email: String,
val cnpj: String,
val stateRegistration: String,
val muninipalRegistration: String,
val address: UUID
object LegalPersons : Table("person.legal_person") {
val id: Column<UUID> = uuid("id").autoIncrement().primaryKey()
val internalId: Column<Long> = long("internal_id").autoIncrement()
val companyId: Column<UUID> = uuid("company_id")
val active: Column<Boolean> = bool("active")
val tradeName: Column<String> = varchar("trade_name", 100)
val fantasyName: Column<String> = varchar("fantasy_name", 100)
val email: Column<String> = varchar("email", 100)
val cnpj: Column<String> = varchar("cnpj", 18)
val stateRegistration: Column<String> = varchar("state_registration", 20)
val muninipalRegistration: Column<String> = varchar("municipal_registration", 20)
val address: Column<UUID> = uuid("address")
// *** PHONES ***
data class Phone(
val id: UUID,
val internalId: Long,
val phone: UUID
object Phones : Table("person.phone_legal_person") {
val id: Column<UUID> = reference("id", LegalPersons.id).primaryKey()
val internalId: Column<Long> = long("internal_id").autoIncrement()
val phone: Column<UUID> = uuid("phone")
ERROR Application - Unhandled: POST - /api/clients/lp/
io.ktor.gson.UnsupportedNullValuesException: Receiving null values is not supported
有人能帮忙吗?我使用的是 DLS 而不是 DAO。 我遇到了困难,因为文档仍在制作中。
看了一点之后,我发现了问题所在。 我的服务如下所示:
suspend fun insert(lp: LegalPerson) = dbQuery {
val ids = UUID.randomUUID()
LegalPersons.insert {
it[id] = ids
it[companyId] = lp.companyId
it[active] = lp.active
it[tradeName] = lp.tradeName
it[fantasyName] = lp.fantasyName
it[email] = lp.fantasyName
it[cnpj] = lp.cnpj
it[stateRegistration] = lp.stateRegistration
it[muninipalRegistration] = lp.muninipalRegistration
it[address] = lp.address
Phones.batchInsert(lp.phones) { phone ->
this[Phones.id] = ids
this[Phones.phone] = phone.phone