多个字段上的 Mongoose Schema.index 不适用于测试

Mongoose Schema.index on multiple fields does not work with tests

我创建了一个 uploadSchema (mongoose.Schema) 字段(在其余字段中):key 和 bucket。他们每个人都不是唯一的,但我希望他们一起创建一个唯一的 ID。 在我的代码中,我使用了这一行(在声明 uploadSchema 之后和 uploadModel 之前):

uploadSchema.index({ key: 1, bucket: 1 }, { unique: true, background: true });

但是,在我的测试中(mochachai),索引并未强制执行,因此我可以创建两个具有相同键和存储桶的实例(在我的例子中)。 例如,在我的代码中:

await uploadModel.create({ key: testUpload.key, bucket: testUpload.bucket, 
name: 'name1',  ownerID: USER.id, parent: null }).should.eventually.exist;


await uploadModel.create({key: testUpload.key, bucket: testUpload.bucket,
 name: 'name1', ownerID: USER.id, parent: null }).should.eventually.be.rejected;


AssertionError: expected promise to be rejected but it was fulfilled with { Object ($__, isNew, ...) }


很可能您在连接中将 autoIndex 设置为 false(建议这样做)。


let uploadSchema = mongoose.Schema({ ... }, {autoIndex: true});


所以我想通了! 显然,我在 afterEach 测试中使用了 mongoose.connection.dropDatabase(); 。这意味着索引每次都被重置。 所以我所做的是每次在我的测试中重新创建索引:

  before(async () => {
    // Remove files from DB
    const collections = ['files', 'uploads'];
    for (const i in collections) {
      mongoose.connection.db.createCollection(collections[i], (err) => {});
    await mongoose.connection.collections['files'].createIndex({ name: 1, parent: 1, ownerID: 1 }, { unique: true });
    await mongoose.connection.collections['uploads'].createIndex({ key: 1, bucket: 1 }, { unique: true });

并且在 beforeEach:

  beforeEach(async () => {
    const removeCollectionPromises = [];
    for (const i in mongoose.connection.collections) {
    await Promise.all(removeCollectionPromises);

afterEach 是空的。 现在可以了:)