在 GSuite 中创建共享支持电子邮件

Creating a shared support email in GSuite




"Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "BusinessDomain Support", Never send it to Spam"

所以我们收到了所有发送到该标签的电子邮件,他们跳过了我们的收件箱,我们从那里 delegate/respond。这导致我的同事回复相同的电子邮件并让我们的客户回复我们的实际工作电子邮件地址而不是支持电子邮件。

我们设置了 process/procedure 以确保我和我的同事只回复一次,并解决客户回复错误电子邮件地址的问题,我们添加了支持@mybusinessdomain.com 电子邮件作为我们每个人的"Send mail as"。然而,现在我们都从同一个电子邮件地址发送电子邮件,这有点令人困惑,因为谁回复了并且所有已发送的电子邮件都显示在我们的已发送文件夹中。

那么,设置此支持电子邮件的最佳方式是什么,以便多人可以管理它,以便回复已发送电子邮件的客户始终发送到 support@mybusinessdomain.com?


你需要use a group as a collaborative inbox.

Collaborative inboxes are especially useful for technical support or customer service teams. For example, you could create a group with the address support@your-domain.com. You could then add your support staff as group members, and allow people outside your organization to send messages to the group. Your support staff would then receive customer messages and take any of the following actions:

  • Assign responsibility for topics to group members
  • Mark topics as resolved
  • Edit tags associated with topics
  • Filter topics according to tag, resolution status, or assignee