
Downcasting pointer to member function. Is this legal usage?

我将指向成员函数的指针列表存储在一个数组中。我想索引到数组中并执行适当的函数。将有许多数组列出来自不同 classes 的函数(全部派生自 Base),因此 class 在编译时是未知的。

我的方案有效,但我对不得不在一个地方使用 void 指针并不完全满意,但我似乎无法避免它。

根据 C++11 标准(它使用 g++),我在 Base 和 Derived 成员函数指针之间的转换是否合法。我将不胜感激语言律师的建议!


#include <iostream>

using std::cout;


class Base {

  typedef int (Base::*BaseThunk)();

  virtual int execute(BaseThunk x) {return 0;}



class Derived : public Base {

  typedef int (Derived::*DerivedThunk)();

  int execute(BaseThunk step) {
    return (this->*step)(); //Is this OK ? step is really a DerivedThunk.

  int f1() { cout<<"1\n";return 1;}
  int f2() { cout<<"2\n";return 2;}
  int f3() { cout<<"3\n";return 3;}

  static DerivedThunk steps[];

//Here is an array of pointers to member functions of the Derived class.
Derived::DerivedThunk Derived::steps[] = {&Derived::f1, &Derived::f2, &Derived::f3};


class Intermediate : public Base {

  void f(void *x) { //I am worried about using void pointer here !

    BaseThunk *seq = reinterpret_cast<BaseThunk *>(x);

    Derived d;



int main() {
  Intermediate b;


您对 void* 的担忧是有根据的:这是 未定义的行为 因为(在 Intermediate::f 中)您正在执行指针运算并读取通过,一个与数组类型不匹配的指针。

好消息是有一个简单的解决方法:因为你的数组的目的是让 derived-class 函数在只给定一个 Base& 和一个 BaseThunk 的情况下被调用,你可以 存储 类型:

Base::BaseThunk Derived::steps[]=

static_cast 有点冗长,但只要您 使用 生成的 BaseThunk 对象的对象类型是 或 是完全合法的源自 Derived。您甚至不必先获得 Derived*

int Base::execute(BaseThunk x)  // no need to be virtual
{return (this->*x)();}