Prawn PDF中的左右拆分

Left-right split in Prawn PDF

某些 PDF 的文本中,部分内容位于左侧,而其他部分位于右侧。有没有可能让Prawn自动做到这一点,在左半页填满后文本自动换行到右半页?


此摘自Prawn手册(最后更新:2019-06-09 - Prawn版本:2.2.2)第43页:

require "prawn"

Prawn::Document.generate("prince.pdf") do

  column_box([0, cursor], columns: 2, width: bounds.width) do
    text 'The Prince',          align: :center, size: 18
    text 'Niccolo Machiavelli', align: :center, size: 14
    move_down 12
    text "All the States and Governments by which men are or ever have been ruled,
      have been and are either Republics or Princedoms. Princedoms are either
      hereditary, in which the sovereignty is derived through an ancient line
      of ancestors, or they are new. New Princedoms are either wholly new, as
      that of Milan to Francesco Sforza; or they are like limbs joined on to
      the hereditary possessions of the Prince who acquires them, as the
      Kingdom of Naples to the dominions of the King of Spain. The States thus
      acquired have either been used to live under a Prince or have been free;
      and he who acquires them does so either by his own arms or by the arms of
      others, and either by good fortune or by merit." * 10