使用变体时,模板化 child 不接受为 parent

Templatized child not accepted as parent when using variant


核心问题是,在模板之外,变体类型接受其联合的任何成员,但在模板内部,这种推导似乎失败了。 我在构造中找不到导致这种情况发生的错误。


class A{};
class B{};

using AB = std::variant<A,B>;

template <class T1, class T2>
class Parent

class Child : public Parent<A,B>
    static Parent<A,B>* build(){ return new Child(); }

template <class T1, class T2>
using Fn = std::function<Parent<T1,T2> *(void)>;

using ParentFn = Fn<AB,AB>;

int main()
        // in a factory, we might say
        // map<string, ParentFn> m; m["key"] = &Child::build;
        // but for MRE I'll just do assignment
        ParentFn tmp = &Child::build; // does just fine without templates, crashes horribly with

    return 0;


main.cpp:32:24: error: conversion from ‘Parent<A, B>* (*)()’ to non-scalar type ‘ParentFn {aka std::function<Parent<std::variant<A, B>, std::variant<A, B> >*()>}’ requested
         ParentFn tmp = &Child::build; // does just fine without templates, crashes horribly with

我认为问题不在于 an lvalue/rvalue issue like this question, since the method being referenced is static (but we can pull it out and force it to be an lvalue without resolving this error, too). GCC is known to have some bugs with aliases,但我不明白它们在这里有何相关性,因为我认为它们与可变参数无关;我正在使用 g++-7.1,-std=c++17

为什么编译器无法在请求类型 variant<A,B> 的地方接受类型 A?这不是变体的全部意义吗?例如,AB ab = A();AB ab = B(); 都是有效的,尽管这可能只是 = 运算符的巧妙重载?



class Parent

class Child : public Parent
    static Parent* build(){ return new Child(); }

using Fn = std::function<Parent *(void)>;

using ParentFn = Fn;

int main()
        ParentFn tmp = &Child::build; // does just fine without templates, crashes horribly with

    return 0;

我相信 std 变体可以替代任何一种类型的依据是简单的测试

AB ab1 = A();
ab1 = B();




#include <variant>

class A{};
class B{};

using AB = std::variant<A,B>;

AB * Foo();

typedef AB*(*Fn)();

int main()
    Fn f = &Foo;



#include <variant>

class A{};
class B{};

using AB = std::variant<A,B>;

AB * Foo();

typedef A*(*Fn)();

int main()
    Fn f = &Foo;


error: invalid conversion from 'AB* ()()' {aka 'std::variant ()()'} to 'Fn' {aka 'A (*)()'} [-fpermissive]

如果您想进一步减少它,则试图将 std::variant<A,B> * 转换为 A*,但这是行不通的。

事实上,您甚至无法将 A* 转换为 std::variant<A,B> *。唯一允许的转换是 Astd::variant<A,B>Bstd::variant<A,B>
