如何使用 Bot Framework V4 C# SDK 在 Teams 中迁移 1:1 主动消息功能

How to migrate 1:1 proactive messages functionality in Teams with Bot Framework V4 C# SDK

我有一个 Bot Framework V3 SDK 实现(工作正常),它可以使用 Microsoft Teams Bot(安装在同一个团队)与特定团队中的任何用户发起 1:1 私人聊天。 我在尝试将其迁移到 V4 SDK 时遇到问题。

我阅读了各种文章和其他问题,除非用户首先联系机器人(以避免向用户发送垃圾邮件),否则无法做到这一点,但 V3 版本并非如此,也不是一个选项我需要的功能。


我尝试使用 CreateDirectConversation/CreateDirectConversationAsync 方法但没有成功(它们总是导致 "Bad Request" 错误)。

这是使用 V3 库实际工作的代码:

// Create 1:1 conversation
var conversation = connectorClient.Conversations.CreateOrGetDirectConversation(botAccount, user, tenantId);
// Send message to the user
var message = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
message.Type = ActivityTypes.Message;
message.Text = "My message";
connectorClient.Conversations.SendToConversation((Activity)message, conversation.Id);


根据文档,Proactive messaging for bots:

Bots can create new conversations with an individual Microsoft Teams user as long as your bot has user information obtained through previous addition in a personal, groupChat or team scope. This information enables your bot to proactively notify them. For instance, if your bot was added to a team, it could query the team roster and send users individual messages in personal chats, or a user could @mention another user to trigger the bot to send that user a direct message.

注意:Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Teams 扩展仍在 V4 的预发行版中,这就是为什么很难找到它的示例和代码的原因。



var credentials = new SimpleCredentialProvider(Configuration["MicrosoftAppId"], Configuration["MicrosoftAppPassword"]);



services.AddBot<YourBot>(options =>
    options.CredentialProvider = credentials;

        new TeamsMiddleware(
            new ConfigurationCredentialProvider(this.Configuration)));


在你的主要 <YourBot>.cs:

private readonly SimpleCredentialProvider _credentialProvider;


public <YourBot>(ConversationState conversationState, SimpleCredentialProvider CredentialProvider)
     _credentialProvider = CredentialProvider;



var teamConversationData = turnContext.Activity.GetChannelData<TeamsChannelData>();
var connectorClient = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(activity.ServiceUrl), _credentialProvider.AppId, _credentialProvider.Password);

var userId = <UserIdToSendTo>;
var tenantId = teamConversationData.Tenant.Id;
var parameters = new ConversationParameters
    Members = new[] { new ChannelAccount(userId) },
    ChannelData = new TeamsChannelData
        Tenant = new TenantInfo(tenantId),

var conversationResource = await connectorClient.Conversations.CreateConversationAsync(parameters);
var message = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
message.Text = "This is a proactive message.";
await connectorClient.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(conversationResource.Id, (Activity)message);


var members = (await turnContext.TurnState.Get<IConnectorClient>().Conversations.GetConversationMembersAsync(

另外,我在测试中不需要这个,但是如果你得到 401 错误,你可能需要 trust the Teams ServiceUrl:

