如何运行 STA线程中的NUnit测试?

How to run NUnit test in STA thread?

我们正在将 WPF 应用程序移植到 .NET Core 3,预览版 5。 一些 NUnit 测试需要在 STA 线程中 运行。如何做到这一点?

None 的属性,如 [STAThread]、[RequiresSTA],... 有效。 这也不起作用:[assembly: RequiresThread(ApartmentState.STA)]

Apparent 命名空间似乎没有在 .NET Core 3 中公开。


ApartmentAttribute 首先在 NUnit 3.12 中为 .NET Standard 2.0 启用。

首先更新您的 NUnit 框架版本,然后使用 [Apartment(ApartmentState.STA)]

为了在 .Net Core 3 中的 WPF 单元测试中使用 STA,您需要添加扩展方法属性。 添加此 class

public class STATestMethodAttribute : TestMethodAttribute
    public override TestResult[] Execute(ITestMethod testMethod)
        if (Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.STA)
            return Invoke(testMethod);

        TestResult[] result = null;
        var thread = new Thread(() => result = Invoke(testMethod));
        return result;

    private TestResult[] Invoke(ITestMethod testMethod)
        return new[] { testMethod.Invoke(null) };


public void TestA()
    // Arrange  
    var userControlA = new UserControl();


    // Assert


我最近将我的应用程序移植到 .Net 6,但无法正常工作。

但是 - 实施 IWrapTestMethod 似乎有效:

using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal;
using NUnit.Framework.Internal.Commands;

namespace NunitExtensions;

/// <summary>
/// This attribute forces the test to execute in an STA Thread.
/// Needed for UI testing.
/// The NUnit <see cref="NUnit.Framework.ApartmentAttribute"/> does not seem to work on .Net 6....
/// </summary>
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = false)]
public class UITestAttribute : NUnitAttribute, IWrapTestMethod
    public TestCommand Wrap(TestCommand command)
        return Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() == ApartmentState.STA 
            ? command 
            : new StaTestCommand(command);

    private class StaTestCommand : TestCommand
        private readonly TestCommand _command;

        public StaTestCommand(TestCommand command) : base(command.Test)
            _command = command;

        public override TestResult Execute(TestExecutionContext context)
            TestResult? result = null;
            var thread = new Thread(() => result = _command.Execute(context));
            return result ?? throw new Exception("Failed to run test in STA!");