为什么来自 C 标准工作组的文档受密码保护?

Why are the documents from the C Standard working group password protected?

我刚刚在 C Standard working group archives are now password protected! For example the latest draft of the C Standard aka C18 is here

上发现了很多最近的 pdf

当 C++、java、javascript 和所有最新的编程语言完全开放时,是什么促使了这种违背常识的倒退!怎么回事?

我不是在问是否有人知道密码,无论如何共享它都是非法的,但是取消对一般 public 的访问似乎适得其反,尤其是对于学生和程序员。

如何将这项工作带到它所属的 public 域?

我想那是因为他们希望你 pay for it. Generally speaking only drafts of the standards are available, and even those become locked down after the completed version is published. Your comment about C++ being open is incorrect: the C++17 standard is for sale on the ISO website, while the C++20 standard (not completed at the time of this writing) is available on GitHub. From the official webpage:

Q: Why are the C++ working materials freely available on GitHub when the standard must be purchased from ISO or another standards organization?

ISO holds the copyright for all balloted and published versions of the C++ International Standard (IS) and related C++ Technical Specifications (TSes). The GitHub repo contains the incremental in-progress working source snapshots as they are edited, which may frequently be in an inconsistent in-progress state as edits are applied, and which does not contain the final source for any published standards.

当草案仅包含 material 已经或可能作为 ISO 标准本身发布的内容时,它们受密码保护。因为 C17 基本上是一个错误修复版本(没有新的 material),不幸的是 C17 的大部分开发阶段都是这种情况。

但是一旦我们切换到 "C2x mode" 草稿就打开了。其中第一个,N2310,仍然非常接近 C17,所以这可能是一个很好的基础。 (也许这会让更多人关注正在进行的 C2x 工作,报名参加您的国家标准机构!)

这个 "belongs in the public domain" 是否肯定是一个争论的问题。不幸的是,ISO 并不是这样工作的,任何人都无能为力。此时,他们具有特殊的国际地位,拥有标准本身的版权。但他们不拥有围绕它的工作,人们展示的论文等,所以任何做出贡献的人仍然可以获得他们的学分。