AWS CDK:如何从 Route53 定位 API 网关 API

AWS CDK: how to target API Gateway API from Route53

我已经在 AWS Route53 上注册了一个现有域名,并且在 API 网关中设置了一个自定义域名。在控制台中,我可以配置一些东西,使得 从外部实际到达 API 网关 API,然后进入我的 Lambda 函数。

现在我想用 AWS CDK 来实现这个。


    const zone = route53.HostedZone.fromHostedZoneId(this, 'ZenithWebFoundryZone', 'ZXXXXXX04V8134');
    new route53.AliasRecord(this, 'BlogAPIRecord', {
      zone: zone,
      recordName: '',
      target: {
        bind: (): route53.AliasRecordTargetProps => ({
          dnsName: '',
          hostedZoneId: 'ZXXXXXX04V8134'

构建正常 npm run build 但是当我 运行 cdk synth 我得到一个相当迟钝的错误:

$ cdk synth
HostedZone.fromHostedZoneId doesn't support "zoneName"
Subprocess exited with error 1

打开 --trace 并没有太大帮助:附加信息:

Error: Subprocess exited with error 1
    at ChildProcess.proc.on.code (/Users/mikecoxon/.npm-packages/lib/node_modules/aws-cdk/lib/api/cxapp/exec.ts:108:23)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:189:13)
    at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:441:20)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:248:12)

我查看了整个堆栈脚本,没有任何地方提到 zoneName。有谁知道这个错误是从哪里来的?


const zone = route53.HostedZone.fromHostedZoneId(this, 'MyZone', 'ZXXXXXXXXXXXXX');

我在 Route53 中有一个类似于以下的区域:

Domain Name:
Type:           Public Hosted Zone

我更改为以下并且有效(CDK 0.34.0):

const zone = new route53.HostedZoneProvider(this,  {
  domainName: '',
}).findAndImport(this, 'MyZone');

使用 aws-cdk v1 应该能够执行以下操作:

const zone = route53.HostedZone.fromHostedZoneAttributes(this, 'ZenithWebFoundryZone', {
  hostedZoneId: 'ZXXXXXX04V8134',
  zoneName: '' // your zone name here

new route53.ARecord(this, 'BlogAPIRecord', {
  recordName: '',
  target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias({
    bind() {
      return {
        dnsName: '', // Specify the applicable domain name for your API.,
        hostedZoneId: 'XXXX', // Specify the hosted zone ID for your API.

如果你的 API 在同一个 stack/code 基础上,你可以从中得到 dnsNamehostedZoneId(这是一个 CF 属性)。

其他参考DNSName and HostedZoneId in the AWS::Route53::RecordSet AliasTarget documentation.

注意:您的别名记录的hostedZoneId与您自己区域的托管区域ID 相同.

在 AWS CDK 0.36.1 中,您可以使用 @aws-cdk/aws-route53-targets 包来创建别名。

import { HostedZone, RecordSet, RecordType, RecordTarget } from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53'
import { ApiGatewayDomain } from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53-targets'
import { Certificate } from '@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager'

// ...

  const customDomain = new apigateway.DomainName(this, 'CustomDomain', {
    domainName: props.apiDomain,
    certificate: Certificate.fromCertificateArn(this, 'Certificate', props.certificateArn),
    endpointType: apigateway.EndpointType.EDGE,

  const hostedZone = HostedZone.fromHostedZoneAttributes(this, 'HostedZone', {
    hostedZoneId: props.hostedZoneId,
    zoneName: props.hostedZoneName,

  new RecordSet(this, 'ApiRecordSetA', {
    zone: hostedZone,
    recordType: RecordType.A,
    recordName: 'api',
    target: RecordTarget.fromAlias(new ApiGatewayDomain(customDomain))

  new RecordSet(this, 'ApiRecordSetAAAA', {
    zone: hostedZone,
    recordType: RecordType.AAAA,
    recordName: 'api',
    target: RecordTarget.fromAlias(new ApiGatewayDomain(customDomain))


这适用于手动创建的现有托管区域,需要通过 CDK 查找以添加别名记录。

const hostedZone = route53.HostedZone.fromHostedZoneAttributes(this, 'HostedZone', {
  hostedZoneId: config.apiHostedZoneId,
  name: `${config.apiDomainName}.`,

new route53.RecordSet(this, 'ApiRecordSetA', {
  zone: hostedZone,
  recordType: route53.RecordType.A,
  recordName: config.apiDomainName,
  target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(new route53Targets.ApiGatewayDomain(apiDomain))

new route53.RecordSet(this, 'ApiRecordSetAAAA', {
  zone: hostedZone,
  recordType: route53.RecordType.AAAA,
  recordName: config.apiDomainName,
  target: route53.RecordTarget.fromAlias(new route53Targets.ApiGatewayDomain(apiDomain))

我在使用 cdk 1.36.1 时遇到了同样的问题,并设法在 ApiGateway 中使用新的自定义域名以及 BasePath 映射来解决它,然后在 route53 上的现有托管区域中添加 CName 记录指向新的自定义域:

import {BasePathMapping, DomainName, EndpointType, LambdaRestApi} from '@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway';
import {Certificate} from '@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager';
import {HostedZone, CnameRecord} from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53'

// First create a custom domain:
const customDomain = new DomainName(this, 'customDomain', {
      domainName: '',
      certificate: Certificate.fromCertificateArn(this, 'ACM_Certificate', ACM_CERTIFICATE_ARN),
      endpointType: EndpointType.EDGE

// create a new ApiGateway instance and associate a lambda function with it:
const api = new LambdaRestApi(this, 'MainGatewayEndpoint', {
      handler: toyFunction,

// Associate the Custom domain that we created with new APIGateway using BasePathMapping:
new BasePathMapping(this, 'CustomBasePathMapping', {
      domainName: custom,
      restApi: api

// Get a reference to AN EXISTING hosted zone using the HOSTED_ZONE_ID. You can get this from route53
const hostedZone = HostedZone.fromHostedZoneAttributes(this, 'HostedZone', {
      hostedZoneId: PROD_HOSTED_ZONE_ID,
      zoneName: ''

// Finally, add a CName record in the hosted zone with a value of the new custom domain that was created above:
new CnameRecord(this, 'ApiGatewayRecordSet', {
      zone: hostedZone,
      recordName: 'api',
      domainName: customDomain.domainNameAliasDomainName

在托管区域文档中 - 特别是 fromHostedZoneID 和 fromHostedZoneAttributes 方法:


fromHostedZoneID 返回的 HostedZone 对象没有 zoneName 的属性,因此不能与 route53.AliasRecord 一起使用 - 您必须使用 fromHostedZoneAttributes。为了检索 Cdk 所需的 A 记录设置信息。

注意:如果您要在 API 的声明中分配域,请使用(在 python 中,因为我手头有,抱歉)

        self, "DomainAliasLogicalID",

如果您设置自己的域名对象(不是 API 网关的一部分,请使用 route53_targets.ApiGatewayDomain(your_domain_object)