
Finding occurrences of specific word line by line from text file


FILE *infile;
char line[1000];
infile = fopen("file.txt","r");
while(fgets(line,1000,infile) != NULL) 

然后我需要找到一个特定的单词,例如 "the",并且需要查看它出现了多少次以及它还出现在哪几行。


int wordTimes = 0;
if((strcmp("the", currentWord) == 0)) 
    printf("'%s' appears in line %d  which is: \n%s\n\n", "the", line_num, line);

其中 line 是字符串出现的文本行,line_num 是它出现的行号。


if(wordTimes > 0)
    printf("'%s' appears %d times\n", "the", wordTimes);
    printf("'%s' does not appear\n", "the");

问题是我不确定如何将行中的每个单词与 "the" 进行比较并仍然打印出它所适用的行。

我必须为此使用非常基本的 C,所以这意味着我不能使用 strtok()strstr()。我只能使用 strlen()strcmp().

也许您需要像这样编写一个 strword() 函数。我假设您可以使用 <ctype.h> 中的分类函数(宏),但如果不允许也有解决方法。

#include <assert.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>

char *strword(char *haystack, char *needle);

char *strword(char *haystack, char *needle)
    char *pos = haystack;
    char old_ch = ' ';
    while (*pos != '[=10=]')
        if (!isalpha(old_ch) && *pos == *needle)
            char *txt = pos + 1;
            char *str = needle + 1;
            while (*txt == *str)
                if (*str == '[=10=]')
                    return pos;     // Exact match at end of haystack
                txt++, str++;
            if (*str == '[=10=]' && !isalpha(*txt))
                return pos;
        old_ch = *pos++;
    return 0;

int main(void)
    ** Note that 'the' appears in the haystack as a prefix to a word,
    ** wholly contained in a word, and at the end of a word - and is not
    ** counted in any of those places. And punctuation is OK.
    char haystack[] =
        "the way to blithely count the occurrences (tithe)"
        " of 'the' in their line is the";
    char needle[] = "the";

    char *curpos = haystack;
    char *word;
    int count = 0;
    while ((word = strword(curpos, needle)) != 0)
        printf("Found <%s> at [%.20s]\n", needle, word);
        curpos = word + 1;

    printf("Found %d occurrences of <%s> in [%s]\n", count, needle, haystack);

    assert(strword("the", "the") != 0);
    assert(strword("th", "the") == 0);
    assert(strword("t", "t") != 0);
    assert(strword("", "t") == 0);
    assert(strword("if t fi", "t") != 0);
    assert(strword("if t fi", "") == 0);
    return 0;

当 运行 时,会产生:

Found <the> at [the way to blithely ]
Found <the> at [the occurrences (tit]
Found <the> at [the' in their line i]
Found <the> at [the]
Found 4 occurrences of <the> in [the way to blithely count the occurrences (tithe) of 'the' in their line is the]

Is there a way to do the strword function without <ctype.h>?

是的。我在开篇就说了这么多。由于唯一使用的 function/macro 是 isalpha(),您可以做出一些假设(您不在使用 EBCDIC 的系统上)以便拉丁字母表是连续的,并且您可以使用此 is_alpha() 代替 isalpha() — 并从包含的列表中省略 <ctype.h> headers:

static inline int is_alpha(int c)
    return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');