
How to get Location of a node using it's address in the script?



transmit 2,[1,2,3]   //transmit data [1,2,3] to node-2

transmit = { addr, data ->
    println "TRANSMIT $addr, $data"
    println phy << new DatagramReq(to: addr, protocol: Protocol.MAC, data: data)
    NodeInfo n = new NodeInfo(addr)
    println 'location = '+n.getLocation()
    println 'Address :'+addr+'\nData :'+data

    def txNtf = receive(TxFrameNtf, 1000)

    println txNtf  

Model.groovy :

class Model extends UnetAgent {

int neighbor, addr;
float neighbor_distance;
def ranging

def dist;
def data

public void startup() {
AgentID phy = agentForService(Services.PHYSICAL);

ranging = agentForService Services.RANGING;
subscribe topic(ranging);

def nodeInfo = agentForService Services.NODE_INFO;
addr = nodeInfo.address;


void processMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg instanceof DatagramNtf && msg.protocol == Protocol.MAC)
    neighbor = msg.from;
    println " BEACON RECEIVED FROM:" +neighbor
    data = msg.getData()

    def bits=32

    System.out.println "number of bits sent :"+bits*data.size()

    ranging << new RangeReq(to: neighbor);
  else if (msg instanceof RangeNtf )
    float neighbor_distance = msg.getRange();
    println( "\n Distance between node "+addr + " and neighbor " +neighbor+ " is " + neighbor_distance+"m.\n")


  void setup() {




NodeInfo n = new NodeInfo(addr)
println 'location = '+n.getLocation()

创建一个节点信息对象并尝试从中获取 location。默认情况下,这样的对象没有任何 location,因此您会得到一个 null 值。您创建的对象未引用节点上的节点信息代理 运行。


def n = agentForService org.arl.unet.Services.NODE_INFO
println 'location = '+n.location