多处理的奇怪行为 Pool.map

Weird behaviour with multiprocessing Pool.map

我在使用 pool.map 调用方法函数时观察到一个非常奇怪的行为。 只有一个进程的行为与简单的 for 循环不同,我们在 if not self.seeded: 块中多次输入,而我们不应该这样做。 下面是代码和输出:

import os
from multiprocessing import Pool

class MyClass(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.seeded = False
        print("Constructor of MyClass called")

    def f(self, i):
        print("f called with", i)
        if not self.seeded:
            print("PID : {}, id(self.seeded) : {}, self.seeded : {}".format(os.getpid(), id(self.seeded), self.seeded))
            self.seeded = True

    def multi_call_pool_map(self):
        with Pool(processes=1) as pool:
            print("multi_call_pool_map with {} processes...".format(pool._processes))
            pool.map(self.f, range(10))

    def multi_call_for_loop(self):
        print("multi_call_for_loop ...")
        list_res = []
        for i in range(10):

if __name__ == "__main__":


Constructor of MyClass called
multi_call_pool_map with 1 processes...
f called with 0
PID : 18248, id(self.seeded) : 1864747472, self.seeded : False
f called with 1
f called with 2
f called with 3
PID : 18248, id(self.seeded) : 1864747472, self.seeded : False
f called with 4
f called with 5
f called with 6
PID : 18248, id(self.seeded) : 1864747472, self.seeded : False
f called with 7
f called with 8
f called with 9
PID : 18248, id(self.seeded) : 1864747472, self.seeded : False

并使用 for 循环:

if __name__ == "__main__":


Constructor of MyClass called
multi_call_for_loop ...
f called with 0
PID : 15840, id(self.seeded) : 1864747472, self.seeded : False
f called with 1
f called with 2
f called with 3
f called with 4
f called with 5
f called with 6
f called with 7
f called with 8
f called with 9

我们如何解释 pool.map 的行为(第一种情况)?我不明白为什么我们在 if 块中多次输入,因为 self.seeded 仅在构造函数中设置为 False 并且构造函数仅被调用一次... (我有 Python 3.6.8)

当 运行 代码并在 f 中打印 self 时,我们可以看到在每次输入 if 子句之前,实例实际上发生了变化:

    def f(self, i):
        print("f called with", i, "self is",self)
        if not self.seeded:
            print("PID : {}, id(self.seeded) : {}, self.seeded : {}".format(os.getpid(), id(self.seeded), self.seeded))
            self.seeded = True


Constructor of MyClass called
multi_call_pool_map with 1 processes...
f called with 0 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592b38>
PID : 22879, id(self.seeded) : 10744096, self.seeded : False
f called with 1 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592b38>
f called with 2 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592b38>
f called with 3 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592b00>
PID : 22879, id(self.seeded) : 10744096, self.seeded : False
f called with 4 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592b00>
f called with 5 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592b00>
f called with 6 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592ac8>
PID : 22879, id(self.seeded) : 10744096, self.seeded : False
f called with 7 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592ac8>
f called with 8 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592ac8>
f called with 9 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7f30cd592a90>
PID : 22879, id(self.seeded) : 10744096, self.seeded : False

如果将 chunksize=10 添加到 .map(),它的行为就像 for 循环:

    def multi_call_pool_map(self):
        with Pool(processes=1) as pool:
            print("multi_call_pool_map with {} processes...".format(pool._processes))
            pool.map(self.f, range(10), chunksize=10)


Constructor of MyClass called
multi_call_pool_map with 1 processes...
f called with 0 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
PID : 22972, id(self.seeded) : 10744096, self.seeded : False
f called with 1 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 2 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 3 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 4 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 5 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 6 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 7 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 8 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>
f called with 9 self is <__main__.MyClass object at 0x7fd175093b00>

发生这种情况的确切原因是一个非常复杂的实现细节,并且与 multiprocessing 如何在同一池中的进程之间共享数据有关。


当您将实例方法与 Pool.map 一起使用时,对象实例的副本会在 pickle 模块的帮助下发送到工作进程。您的结果显示 map 如何在块中工作,并且对象实例是在每个块开始时从腌制形式重新加载的。加载 pickle 不会调用 __init__.

请参阅 https://thelaziestprogrammer.com/python/a-multiprocessing-pool-pickle 了解更多关于幕后情况的解释。