
What is the value of z-coordinate in opengl

我刚开始使用lwjgl 3学习现代opengl。我对opengl的坐标系感到困惑。

我知道当您指定 window 的宽度和高度时,坐标会映射到该宽度,height.For 例如,如果屏幕宽度为 600,则坐标 [1,0] 将是映射到[600,0].


z坐标对应深度。它的值通常是表示片段在近平面和远平面之间的距离的分数,如下所示:The camera and its near and far planes。 Clipped 表示片段不可见。

z/depth 值主要用于深度测试,这是一个剔除位于其他对象后面的对象(特别是它们必须被它们遮挡)的过程。最好在这里描述(来自

OpenGL stores all its depth information in a z-buffer, also known as a depth buffer. GLFW automatically creates such a buffer for you (just like it has a color-buffer that stores the colors of the output image). The depth is stored within each fragment (as the fragment's z value) and whenever the fragment wants to output its color, OpenGL compares its depth values with the z-buffer and if the current fragment is behind the other fragment it is discarded, otherwise overwritten. This process is called depth testing and is done automatically by OpenGL.

即使您使用的是 LWJGL,我也强烈建议您查看,因为您可以在那里找到的大部分内容也适用于它。