我应该如何使用 React Hooks 挂在 ag-grid api 上

How should I hang onto the ag-grid api with React Hooks

ag-grid 建议获取指向网格 api 的指针作为其 onGridReady 回调中的变量,如果需要的话。使用 React 类 你会这样做:

class MyGrid extends React.Component {
  onGridReady = params => {
    this.gridApi = params.api;
  render() {
    // on subsequent calls still have this.gridApi...
    return <AgGridReact onGridReady={this.onGridReady} ... />;

使用 React Hook 执行此操作的正确模式是什么?到目前为止,这是我的代码;

const MyGrid = props => {
  let gridApi = null;
  const onGridReady = params => {
    gridApi = params.api;
  return <AgGridReact onGridReady={onGridReady} ... />;

问题是 "MyGrid" 组件函数会被调用多次,并且在 onGridReady 函数运行后调用一次,在我使用它之前将变量重置为 null。


let gridApi = null;
const MyGrid = props => { ... }


为什么您需要引用网格 api?您是否看过本指南以了解 React 16+ https://www.ag-grid.com/react-data-grid/react-hooks/ ?使用 refsuseRef 也是一个不错的选择。


import { useCallback, useState } from 'react';

export default function useAgGrid() {
  const [gridApi, setGridApi] = useState();
  const onGridReady = useCallback(
    (params) => {
      const { api, columnApi } = params;
      setGridApi({ api, columnApi });
  return {
    ...gridApi && gridApi