Swift: 无法将 .prettyPrinted 格式字符串添加到 forHTTPHeaderField
Swift: Unable to add .prettyPrinted format String to forHTTPHeaderField
继续from this question,
我正在尝试将 [String : Any]
转换为 String
,然后将 String
传递给 forHTTPHeaderField
尝试 1: 没有 Pretty
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let json = try? encoder.encode(jsonDict) {
convertedString = String(data: json, encoding: .utf8)!
print("JsonStringFormat ", convertedString )
let url = NSURL(string: getMenuURL)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url! as URL)
request.setValue(convertedString, forHTTPHeaderField: "SessionInfo")
print("\nHEADer__reQQ__ ", request.allHTTPHeaderFields)
JsonStringFormat {"Token":"96FFC5B994514B3D","UICulture":"en-CA ","LanguageCode":"ENG","CompanyID":"QAP","IMEINo":"1jzBG3TSrMzj\/tKihlEv8g=="}
HEADer__reQQ__ ["SessionInfo": "{\"Token\":\"96FFC5B994514B3D\",\"LanguageCode\":\"ENG\",\"UICulture\":\"en-CA \",\"CompanyID\":\"QAP\",\"IMEINo\":\"1jzBG3TSrMzj\/tKihlEv8g==\"}"]
尝试 2: 打印 .pretty
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
if let json = try? encoder.encode(jsonDict) {
convertedString = String(data: json, encoding: .utf8)!
print("PrettyJsonStringFormat ", convertedString )
let url = NSURL(string: getMenuURL)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url! as URL)
request.setValue(convertedString, forHTTPHeaderField: "SessionInfo")
print("\nPrettyHeader__ ", request.allHTTPHeaderFields)
PrettyJsonStringFormat {
"Token" : "70E277954143414A",
"UICulture" : "en-CA ",
"LanguageCode" : "ENG",
"CompanyID" : "QAP",
"IMEINo" : "1jzBG3TSrMzj\/tKihlEv8g=="
PrettyHeader__ [:]
如果我选择尝试 1,BackSlash \
将追加该值。为了避免这种情况,我选择了尝试 2 [Pretty Printed]
我不知道为什么 request.allHTTPHeaderFields
没有添加 header 值。
那是因为 Attempt2
中的 convertedString
RFC 表示 header 多行字段值已弃用。
Historically, HTTP header field values could be extended over
multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at least one space
or horizontal tab (obs-fold). This specification deprecates such
line folding except within the message/http media type
(Section 8.3.1). A sender MUST NOT generate a message that includes
line folding (i.e., that has any field-value that contains a match to
the obs-fold rule) unless the message is intended for packaging
within the message/http media type.
// This does nothing. Just ignoring the value "A\nB"
request.setValue("A\nB", forHTTPHeaderField: "C")
你应该在这个 link
您对标准的理解是正确的。过去,RFC 2616 支持 multi-line header 值。此功能被称为 "Line Folding":
HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if the continuation line begins with space or horizontal tab. All linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.
继续from this question,
我正在尝试将 [String : Any]
转换为 String
,然后将 String
传递给 forHTTPHeaderField
尝试 1: 没有 Pretty
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
if let json = try? encoder.encode(jsonDict) {
convertedString = String(data: json, encoding: .utf8)!
print("JsonStringFormat ", convertedString )
let url = NSURL(string: getMenuURL)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url! as URL)
request.setValue(convertedString, forHTTPHeaderField: "SessionInfo")
print("\nHEADer__reQQ__ ", request.allHTTPHeaderFields)
JsonStringFormat {"Token":"96FFC5B994514B3D","UICulture":"en-CA ","LanguageCode":"ENG","CompanyID":"QAP","IMEINo":"1jzBG3TSrMzj\/tKihlEv8g=="}
HEADer__reQQ__ ["SessionInfo": "{\"Token\":\"96FFC5B994514B3D\",\"LanguageCode\":\"ENG\",\"UICulture\":\"en-CA \",\"CompanyID\":\"QAP\",\"IMEINo\":\"1jzBG3TSrMzj\/tKihlEv8g==\"}"]
尝试 2: 打印 .pretty
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
if let json = try? encoder.encode(jsonDict) {
convertedString = String(data: json, encoding: .utf8)!
print("PrettyJsonStringFormat ", convertedString )
let url = NSURL(string: getMenuURL)
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url! as URL)
request.setValue(convertedString, forHTTPHeaderField: "SessionInfo")
print("\nPrettyHeader__ ", request.allHTTPHeaderFields)
PrettyJsonStringFormat {
"Token" : "70E277954143414A",
"UICulture" : "en-CA ",
"LanguageCode" : "ENG",
"CompanyID" : "QAP",
"IMEINo" : "1jzBG3TSrMzj\/tKihlEv8g=="
PrettyHeader__ [:]
如果我选择尝试 1,BackSlash \
将追加该值。为了避免这种情况,我选择了尝试 2 [Pretty Printed]
我不知道为什么 request.allHTTPHeaderFields
没有添加 header 值。
那是因为 Attempt2
中的 convertedString
RFC 表示 header 多行字段值已弃用。
Historically, HTTP header field values could be extended over multiple lines by preceding each extra line with at least one space or horizontal tab (obs-fold). This specification deprecates such line folding except within the message/http media type (Section 8.3.1). A sender MUST NOT generate a message that includes line folding (i.e., that has any field-value that contains a match to the obs-fold rule) unless the message is intended for packaging within the message/http media type.
// This does nothing. Just ignoring the value "A\nB"
request.setValue("A\nB", forHTTPHeaderField: "C")
你应该在这个 link
中检查这个答案您对标准的理解是正确的。过去,RFC 2616 支持 multi-line header 值。此功能被称为 "Line Folding":
HTTP/1.1 header field values can be folded onto multiple lines if the continuation line begins with space or horizontal tab. All linear white space, including folding, has the same semantics as SP. A recipient MAY replace any linear white space with a single SP before interpreting the field value or forwarding the message downstream.