如何使用 ansible 正则表达式将新字符串插入 telegraf.conf 的 inputs.ping

How to Insert a new string into telegraf.conf's inputs.ping using ansible regexp

我正在尝试使用 ansible 更新 telegraf.conf 的 [[inputs.ping]]。

telegraf.conf 如下所示:

  urls = ["tac-temp1","tac-temp2", "tac-temp3","tac-temp4"] #tac
  count = 30
  timeout = 15.0
  name = "tac"

  urls = ["prod-temp1","prod-temp2", "prod-temp3","prod-temp4"] #prod
  count = 30
  timeout = 15.0
  name = "prod"

  urls = ["test-temp1","test-temp2", "test-temp3","test-temp4"] #test
  count = 30
  timeout = 15.0
  name = "test"

我正在尝试在上面第 2 行的 ,"tac-temp4" 之后添加 ,"tac-temp10"

- hosts: Servers
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
    - name: Loading telegraf.conf content for search
      shell: cat /tmp/telegraf.conf
      register: tele_lookup

    - name: Adding Server to  /tmp/telegraf.conf if does not exists
             path: /tmp/telegraf.conf
             state: present
             regexp: '^((.*)"] #tac$)'       
             line: ',"tac-temp10"'      
             backup: yes
      when: tele_lookup.stdout.find('tac-temp10') != '0'

regexp: '^((.*)"] #tac$)' 将整行替换为 ,"tac-temp10"。预期输出:

  urls = ["tac-temp1","tac-temp2", "tac-temp3","tac-temp4","tac-temp10"] #tac
  count = 30
  timeout = 15.0
  name = "tac"



    - name: add our server if needed
        path: /tmp/test.conf
        backup: yes
        state: present
        regexp: '^( *urls *= *\[)(("(?!tac-temp10)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)",? *)*)(\] #tac)$'
        backrefs: yes
        line: ', "tac-temp10"'

您需要使用反向引用将表达式中已经匹配的部分放回行中。我使用了 backup: yes 这样我就可以很容易地回到原来的状态进行测试。随意放弃它。

如您所见(以及我的警告中所建议的),对于必须快速阅读代码的任何人来说,这几乎是不可能理解的。如果您还需要做任何事情 fancy/complicated,请考虑使用模板并将您的服务器列表存储在某处的变量中。