如何通过 git 状态下的编号将特定文件添加到 git 中?

How to add specific files in git by their number in git status?


modified:   assembly/main.debug.s
modified:   ../src/cd/Config.java
modified:   ../src/cd/memoization/cfg/SubgraphFinder.java
modified:   ../src/cd/memoization/cfg/SubgraphMap.java
modified:   ../src/cd/profiler/Profile.java
modified:   ../test/cd/test/TestSamplePrograms.java
modified:   ../../notes/20150521.txt

这里我有一堆文件,我想将它们包含在不同的提交中。到目前为止,我所做的是做一堆 git add <pathspec>,然后是相应的 git commit<pathspec> 是让我恼火的地方。有没有类似下面的东西?

1 modified:   assembly/main.debug.s
2 modified:   ../src/cd/Config.java
3 modified:   ../src/cd/memoization/cfg/SubgraphFinder.java
4 modified:   ../src/cd/memoization/cfg/SubgraphMap.java
5 modified:   ../src/cd/profiler/Profile.java
6 modified:   ../test/cd/test/TestSamplePrograms.java
7 modified:   ../../notes/20150521.txt

git magic 2,3,5 -m "My super simple commit"


这里a被跟踪、更改和上演; b 被跟踪、更改且未上演; c 在未跟踪和分阶段; d 只是未被追踪。


When run without arguments, 'git number' runs 'git status' and attach a unique number for each line of filename printed by 'git status', and it will 'remember' this number-to-filename association. When run with arguments, like this:

$ git number <any git command> [one or more numbers or git options/args]

'git number' will run that and subtitute all the numbers to their equivalent filenames. Non-numeric argument are passed intact to git.


外部工具:SCM Breeze

SCM Breeze is a set of shell scripts (for bash and zsh) that enhance your interaction with git. It integrates with your shell to give you numbered file shortcuts, a repository index with tab completion, and many other useful features.

SCM Breeze 利用键盘快捷键和别名按编号处理 git 个文件:

Ctrl + x, c => git_add_and_commit - 添加给定文件(如果有),然后提交暂存更改

Ctrl + x, Space => git_commit_all - 提交所有内容

git add:

$ ga 1

git diff:

$ gd 2

git reset:

$ grs 3

git commit:

$ gco 4

使用 git add -i

git add -i

来自 Git reference:

Add modified contents in the working tree interactively to the index. Optional path arguments may be supplied to limit operation to a subset of the working tree. See “Interactive mode” for details.

您可以将此记为 -i直观,因为界面非常直观。好吧,至少对硬核 Vim 用户来说是这样。





如果您在添加过程中遇到困难,请使用空字符串点击 Return


如果您对外观和颜色感到困惑:我一直在使用 iTerm2 + zsh + oh-my-zsh