使用 Data.Comp.Unification 在 Haskell 中找到最通用的统一器(初学者问题)

Finding the most general unifier in Haskell using Data.Comp.Unification (beginner question)

我在 haskell 中有以下结构,它实现了一些打印机制并调用了统一器。我从 main 收到以下错误:

0 =/= int


 data CType 
      = CVar Int 
      | CArr CType CType
      | CInt
      | CBool
      deriving (Eq, Data)

data Constraint 
  = Equality CType CType
    deriving (Eq, Data)

我有一些基本类型(int 和 bool)、箭头类型和类型变量。 然后我是 运行 一些生成等式约束的算法,这些等式约束以上面的方式表示。








module SolveEq where
import Data.Data
import Data.Void
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Control.Monad
import TypeCheck
import Data.Comp.Variables
import Data.Comp.Unification
import Data.Comp.Term
import Data.Comp.Derive
import Constraint
import Lang

data CTypeF a 
    = CVarF Int 
    | CArrF a a
    | CIntF
    | CBoolF
    deriving (Data, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show, Eq)

$(makeShowF ''CTypeF)

example :: String
example = showF (CIntF :: CTypeF String)

instance HasVars CTypeF Int where
isVar (CVarF x) = Just x
isVar (CArrF x y) = Nothing
isVar CIntF = Nothing
isVar CBoolF = Nothing

type CType_ = Term CTypeF

f :: CType_
f = Term (CVarF 0)

g :: CType_
g = Term CIntF

unravel :: CType_ -> CType
unravel a = 
    case unTerm a of 
        CVarF i -> CVar i
        CArrF a b -> CArr (unravel a) (unravel b)
        CIntF -> CInt
        CBoolF -> CBool

getUnify :: Either (UnifError CTypeF Int) (Subst CTypeF Int)
getUnify = unify [(f,g)]

main = case getUnify of
  Left (FailedOccursCheck v term)     -> putStrLn ("failed occurs check " ++ show v ++ ": " ++ (show $ unravel term))
  Left (HeadSymbolMismatch t1 t2)     -> putStrLn ("head symbol mismatch " ++ show (unravel t1)  ++ " =/= " ++ (show $ unravel t2))
  Left (UnifError str)     -> putStrLn str
  Right (subst :: Subst CTypeF Int) -> print (fmap unravel subst)

问题出在 unify [(f,g)] 中,我希望将 0 映射到 Int。但是好像看不出0是一个变量。是不是我的 isVar 有问题?



这意味着:您的 CType 类型是递归的,因为它在其构造函数之一 (CArr) 中包含 CType 的其他实例。将递归数据类型重写为签名意味着创建一个采用类型参数的数据类型,并在任何需要使用递归的地方使用该类型参数。像这样:

 data CTypeF a 
      = CVar Int 
      | CArr a a
      | CInt
      | CBool
      deriving (Eq, Data)

现在,在您之前绕过 CType 的程序中,您需要处理一些比 CTypeF 更复杂的东西。您的新 CType 等效项需要循环应用 CTypeF 到自身。幸运的是,Term 为您完成了这项工作,因此导入 Data.Comp.Term 并将所有 CType 替换为 Term CTypeF。 (当然,您可以始终为 type CType = Term CTypeF 添加别名以节省一些输入;请注意 Term CTypeF 与您原来的 CType 在字面上并不相同;您需要添加一些 Term 生产和消费 CType 的地方的构造函数。)

最后,为了在 compdata 中使用统一机制,您需要一个 HasVars for CTypeF that identifies your CVar constructor as a variable. You'll also need to make CTypeF both a Functor and Foldable, but if you enable the DeriveFunctor and DeriveFoldable 语言特性的实例,GHC 可以为您完成——这是一个严格的机械过程。

当 运行 unify 时,您需要确保在错误 monad m 和变量类型 v 明确的上下文中执行此操作.有很多方法可以做到这一点,但为了举例,假设我们使用最简单的错误 monad Either e 作为我们的 m,当然你会想要 vInt。所以你可以写:

f = Term (CVar 2)
g = Term CInt

-- By matching against Left and Right, we're letting GHC know that unify
-- should return an Either; this disambiguates `m`
main = case unify [(f, g)] of
  Left _      -> print "did not unify"
  Right subst -> doMoreWork subst

-- The Int here disambiguates `v`
doMoreWork :: Subst CTypeF Int -> IO ()
doMoreWork subst = undefined -- fill in the blank!