Angular @ngx-pwa/local-storage 不工作

Angular @ngx-pwa/local-storage is not working

我正在尝试使用以下方法将数据存储在浏览器的本地存储中 @ngx-pwa/local-storage 因为它在 regular/common 本地存储之上提供额外的 RxJs 运算符。


        "@angular/core": "^6.1.0",
        "@ngx-pwa/local-storage": "^6.2.4"


       constructor(private storage: LocalStorage) {}
         /// *** /////

        const user: User = { firstName: 'lorem', lastName: 'ipsum' };'user', user).subscribe(() => {});


@ngx-pwa/local-storage 在内部使用 indexedDB 使操作异步。


Application -> IndexedDB -> ngStorage -> localStorage



The localStorage API is simple to use but synchronous, so if you use it too often, your app will soon begin to freeze.

The indexedDB API is asynchronous and efficient, but it's a mess to use: you'll soon be caught by the callback hell, as it does not support Promises yet.

Mozilla has done a very great job with the localForage library: a simple API based on native localStorage, but internally stored via the asynchronous indexedDB for performance. But it's built in ES5 old school way and then it's a mess to include into Angular.

This module is based on the same idea as localForage, but built in ES6+ and additionally wrapped into RxJS Observables to be homogeneous with other Angular modules.