
Genetic Algorithm: Optimal solution not found in very basic mathematical computation

我正在 C# WinForms 中实现遗传算法,以找到一个非常简单的数学方程式的最优解。 "simple" 这里的意思是等式必须具有这些性质:

我认为我可以用这样的方程达到最优解 "easy",有人会说。然而,我总是只能得到一个非常接近最优解的解。为了评估解决方案是否最优,我使用以下公式:

f(x) = absolute((sum_of_all_variables) - equation_result)


1a + 1b = 12

如果 a2 并且 b3,那么该个人的 f(x) 将是 abs(2 + 3 - 12) = 7。当 f(x) 达到 0 或者我生成了 50 代时,我的代码停止。

我目前的变异率是50%,我目前的交叉率是25%。使用的选择方法是轮盘赌 selection。变异方法是随机变异,即我只是在我的基因库中随机选择一个基因来改变它的值,每代最多改变50%的基因。


当前结果:代码产生了接近最优的解决方案。 我发现的一个常见模式是,接近最优的解决方案通常会在下一代中完全复制。




我正在使用的交叉方法(我正在使用 C# WinForms 在 ListView 中显示数据):

private static void Crossover(List<Chromosome> chromosomes, Random seed)
    List<int> crossoverChromosome = new List<int>();

    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
        decimal randomedValue = RandomizeValue(seed);            
        if (randomedValue < Population.CrossoverRate) crossoverChromosome.Add(i);                

    for (int i = 0; i < crossoverChromosome.Count; i++)
        int crossoverPoint = seed.Next(0, chromosomes[0].GeneValues.Count);
        chromosomes[crossoverChromosome[i]] = chromosomes[crossoverChromosome[i]].MixChromosome(chromosomes[crossoverChromosome[(i + 1) % crossoverChromosome.Count]], crossoverPoint);

private static decimal RandomizeValue(Random seed)
    return Math.Round((decimal)seed.NextDouble(), 5);

public Chromosome MixChromosome(Chromosome mixture, int crossoverPoint)
    List<Gene> newGenes = new List<Gene>();
    newGenes.AddRange(this.GetGenes(0, crossoverPoint));
    newGenes.AddRange(mixture.GetGenes(crossoverPoint, this.GeneValues.Count));

    return new Chromosome(DesiredValue, OperatorData, newGenes); // Ignore the DesiredValue and Operator Data, it has nothing to do with crossover

private List<Gene> GetGenes(int firstIndex, int lastIndex)
    List<Gene> slicedGenes = new List<Gene>();

    for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndex; i++)

    return slicedGenes;




10 次等式 1a + 1b = 10 在 50 代后产生以下最佳适应值:





一种常见的方法是使用 fitness-proportional selection,它会根据适应度值随机选择个体进行繁殖。因此,具有高适应性的个体(在您的示例中导致结果接近正确结果的个体)具有更高的繁殖机会

另一种常见的方法是 stochastically distributed selection,它也会选择随机个体进行繁殖,更好的个体有更高的机会,但这也将保证高于平均适应度的个体至少会繁殖一次

Fitness-Proportional-Selection 的示例实现可能如下所示(不幸的是它是 java 代码,没有 C#,但它们非常相似...... ):

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;

 * A selector that randomly chooses pairs to be selected for reproduction based on their probability to be selected.
public class FitnessProportionalSelector implements Selector {

     * Select pairs of parents (by index) that are combined to build the next generation.
     * @param selectionProbability
     *        The probability to be selected for every DNA in the current population (sums up to 1).
     * @param numPairs
     *        The number of pairs needed (or the number of individuals needed in the next generation).
     * @return Returns an int-array of size [numPairs * 2] including the pairs that are to be combined to create the next population (a pair is on
     *         position [i, i+1] for i % 2 = 0).
    public int[] select(double[] selectionProbability, int numPairs) {
        double[] summedProbabilities = Selector.toSummedProbabilities(selectionProbability);
        int[] selectionPairs = new int[numPairs * 2];
        double chosenProbability;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPairs * 2; i++) {
            chosenProbability = getRandomNumber();
            selectionPairs[i] = Selector.getSelectedIndexByBisectionSearch(summedProbabilities, chosenProbability);

        return selectionPairs;

    public String toString() {
        return "FitnessProportionalSelector []";

    /*private*/ double getRandomNumber() {
        return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble();

Stochastically-Distributed-Selection 的解决方案(也在 java 中):

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;

 * A selector that chooses the pairs to be reproduced by a stochastically distributed selection method.
 * The selection probability is proportional to the given probability, but it's ensured, that individuals with a probability above average are chosen
 * at least once.
public class StochasticallyDistributedSelector implements Selector {

     * Select pairs of parents (by index) that are combined to build the next generation.
     * @param selectionProbability
     *        The probability to be selected for every DNA in the current population (sums up to 1).
     * @param numPairs
     *        The number of pairs needed (or the number of individuals needed in the next generation).
     * @return Returns an int-array of size [numPairs * 2] including the pairs that are to be combined to create the next population (a pair is on
     *         position [i, i+1] for i % 2 = 0).
    public int[] select(double[] selectionProbability, int numPairs) {
        double[] summedProbability = Selector.toSummedProbabilities(selectionProbability);
        int[] selectedPairs = new int[2 * numPairs];
        double startPoint = getRandomNumber();
        double addedAverage = 1d / (2d * numPairs);
        double stochasticallySelectedProbability;

        for (int i = 0; i < numPairs * 2; i++) {
            //select the pairs stochastically
            stochasticallySelectedProbability = startPoint + i * addedAverage;
            stochasticallySelectedProbability %= 1;
            selectedPairs[i] = Selector.getSelectedIndexByBisectionSearch(summedProbability, stochasticallySelectedProbability);

        //shuffle the pairs to distribute them stochastically

        return selectedPairs;

    /*private*/ void shuffle(int[] selectedPairs) {
        //shuffle the selected pairs in place
        int swapIndex;
        int tmp;
        for (int i = selectedPairs.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
            swapIndex = (int) (getRandomNumber() * (i + 1));

            tmp = selectedPairs[i];
            selectedPairs[i] = selectedPairs[swapIndex];
            selectedPairs[swapIndex] = tmp;

    /*private*/ double getRandomNumber() {
        return ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble();

    public String toString() {
        return "StochasticallyDistributedSelector []";

我从我为硕士论文创建的遗传优化器项目中获取了这些示例代码。如果你想看看它,你可以找到它 on my github account


  • 尝试使用 mean square error 而不是绝对值 (f(x) = absolute((sum_of_all_variables) - equation_result))
  • 使用选择压力是另一种选择合适个体进行繁殖(并使参数收敛)的好方法;如果需要示例,可以在包 genetic_optimizer.selection 的 github 项目中找到解决方案。
  • elitism 在这里非常有用,不会丢失您已有的最佳解决方案(至少如果您不将其保留在人口中,请在计算后将其恢复为 return)