是否可以在没有模板化消息的情况下使用 NLog 的结构化日志记录?

Is it possible to use NLog's structured logging without having templated messages?

直到今天,我们一直在使用 NLog 4.4.12 版(没有结构化日志记录)。然而,我们使用 https://www.nuget.org/packages/NLog.StructuredLogging.Json/ 进行结构化日志记录。

使用此扩展的好处是您不需要模板化消息(包含索引或占位符供您额外 parameters/object(s) 记录)。该消息不包含您要记录的其他对象(即匿名类型)的任何索引或占位符。

切换到支持开箱即用的结构化日志记录的 NLog 4.6.5,我们希望摆脱那个额外的 NuGet 包。然而,我们的附加参数仅在使用带有实际 indexed/named 占位符的 templated 消息时才会被记录。

我们的消息中没有索引或占位符会导致我们的额外 parameters/object 不会通过 JSON 呈现出来。

是否可以使用非模板化消息,但仍然使用 NLog 的结构化日志记录我们的附加参数,这些参数已传递给它们以添加到 JSON?

下面是一个示例(请注意,我们在 nlog 周围使用了额外的包装器)

NLog 版本: 4.6.5

平台:.Net 4.5

当前 NLog 配置

// Arrange
var typeUsingLogger = typeof(NLogWrapperTest);
var nLogWrapper = new NLogWrapper(typeof(NLogWrapper));

var level = (LogLevel)Enum.Parse(typeof(LogLevel), nLevel.Name);
var message = $"{Guid.NewGuid()}"; // {{extendedLogProperties}}  {{@extendedLogProperties}} {{@purchase}} {{badplaceholder}}
var innerException = new DivideByZeroException("bla inner exception");
var exception = new ArgumentNullException("bla out exception", innerException);
var extendedLogProperties = new
    ClientID = 8,
    MyOtherProp = "abc",
    MySubObject = new
        //nested object although not recommended
        A = 123,
        B = "yep"

//log configuration
var logConfig = new LoggingConfiguration();

var memoryTarget = new MemoryTarget("MemoryTarget");
var jsonLayout = new JsonLayout
    IncludeAllProperties = true,
    Attributes =
            new JsonAttribute("dateTime", "${date:universalTime=true:format=o}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("level", "${level:uppercase=true}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("logger", "${logger}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("message", "${message}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("callsite", "${callsite:className=true:methodName=true:skipFrame=0}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("exception", "${exception:format=ToString:innerFormat=ToString}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("machinename", "${machinename}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("processid", "${processid}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("threadid", "${threadid}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("threadname", "${threadname}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("application", "${application}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("aspnetSessionId", "${aspnet-sessionid}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("iisSiteName", "${iis-site-name}" ),
            new JsonAttribute("stage", "${stage}" ),
memoryTarget.Layout = jsonLayout;
logConfig.AddTarget("memoryTarget", memoryTarget);
var memoryTargetLoggingRule = new LoggingRule("*", nLevel, memoryTarget);

LogManager.Configuration = logConfig;

// Act
nLogWrapper.Log(level, message, typeUsingLogger, exception, extendedLogProperties);

var jsonLogMsg = memoryTarget.Logs[0];
Assert.Matches("ClientID", jsonLogMsg);

Why do we need it?


如果你问:"Why don't you continue using the NuGet NLog extension?" 答案是,当在嵌套对象的模板消息中使用 {@placeholder} 时,NLog 的结构化日志记录会更好地呈现附加参数。

编辑 1: 我希望我的匿名对象的所有属性都呈现在 json 的根目录中。如:

    "ClientID": 8,
    "MyOtherProp": "abc",
    "MySubObject": {              
                    "A": 123,
                    "B": "yep"

我认为您正在寻找 logger.WithProperty


var extendedLogProperties = new
    ClientID = 8,
    MyOtherProp = "abc",
    MySubObject = new
        //nested object although not recommended
        A = 123,
        B = "yep"

logger.WithProperty("extendedLogProperties", extendedLogProperties).Info("test message");

您可以将其序列化为 JSON、XML 等

示例,JSON 具有所有属性

将所有事件属性呈现为 JSON


 <target xsi:type="File" name="jsonFile" fileName="c:\temp\nlog-json-nested-${shortdate}.log">
     <layout type="JsonLayout">
         <attribute name="time" layout="${longdate}" />
         <attribute name="level" layout="${level}" />
         <attribute name="message" layout="${message}" />
         <attribute name="eventProperties" encode="false" >
             <layout type='JsonLayout' includeAllProperties="true"  maxRecursionLimit="2"/>

重要的是 includeAllProperties="true"maxRecursionLimit="2"(默认为 0)。参见 Json Layout docs


    "time": "2019-06-18 11:09:00.2349",
    "level": "Info",
    "message": "test message",
    "eventProperties": {
        "extendedLogProperties": {
            "ClientID": 8,
            "MyOtherProp": "abc",
            "MySubObject": {
                "A": 123,
                "B": "yep"



The JSON will be written on one line, so no newlines.


        private void Log(
            NLog.LogLevel nlogLogLevel,
            Logger nlogLogger,
            Type typeUsingLogger,
            string message,
            Exception exception,
            IDictionary<string, object> additionalProperties = null)
            var logEventInfo = new LogEventInfo(nlogLogLevel, typeUsingLogger.ToString(), null, message, new object[] { }, exception);
            if (additionalProperties != null)
                foreach (var x in additionalProperties)
                    if (!logEventInfo.Properties.ContainsKey(x.Key))
                        logEventInfo.Properties.Add(x.Key, x.Value);

            nlogLogger.Log(_logWrapperType, logEventInfo);

并将 includeAllProperties 设置为 true 以及将 maxRecursionLimit 设置得更高 (2)