转换为 css 的设备方向数据在使用真实设备时表现异常

Device orientation data transformed to css behaves strange when using a real device

这个问题在继续 :
我创建了一个模仿 phone 方向 (js fiddle) 的 CSS 小部件。使用开发工具传感器选项卡时,小部件可以完美运行,将事件数据转换为 CSS rotate3d 字符串,如下所示(@Andrey 回答):

function degreesToRadians (deg) {
    return deg * Math.PI / 180;

class EulerAngles {
  constructor(alpha, beta, gamma) {
    this.alpha = alpha;
    this.beta = beta;
    this.gamma = gamma;

  toRotate3DString() {
    const gammaAxisY = -Math.sin(degreesToRadians(this.beta));
    const gammaAxisZ = Math.cos(degreesToRadians(this.beta));
    const axis = {
      alpha: [0, 1, 0],
      beta: [-1, 0, 0],
      gamma: [0, gammaAxisY, gammaAxisZ]
    return (
      "rotate3d(" +
      axis.alpha.join(",") +
      "," +
      this.alpha +
      "deg) " +
      "rotate3d(" +
      axis.beta.join(",") +
      "," +
      this.beta +
      "deg) " +
      "rotate3d(" +
      axis.gamma.join(",") +
      "," +
      this.gamma +

但是,如果我使用真实设备(导航到 js fiddle),我会出现奇怪的行为,尤其是在纵向模式下按住 phone 时。这是为什么?我该如何解决?

看完后this answer, I guess my problem is that I'm using Euler angles. This video解释的很好

但是,我仍在努力将设备方向数据(alpha、beta、gamma)转换为稳定的 CSS 转换。

我正在考虑使用 matrix3d 变换,但缺乏将 alpha、beta 和 gamma 转换为 4X4 矩阵的数学知识。


发现使用 Quaternion is the way to go when encountering that problem (Gimbel lock). I've found an excellent npm library 可以像这样处理数学:

var rad = Math.PI / 180;
window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function(ev) {

  // Update the rotation object
  var q = Quaternion.fromEuler(ev.alpha * rad, ev.beta * rad, ev.gamma * rad, 'ZXY');

  // Set the CSS style to the element you want to rotate
  elm.style.transform = "matrix3d(" + q.conjugate().toMatrix4() + ")";

}, true);