如何使用 python 在 autocad 中证明两条线段是否相交
How to proof if two line segment intersect in autocad using python
段是否相互到达,下面的代码returns "intersected"。
def intersection(s1, s2):
segment_endpoints = []
left = max(min(s1[0], s1[2]), min(s2[0], s2[2]))
right = min(max(s1[0], s1[2]), max(s2[0], s2[2]))
top = max(min(s1[1], s1[3]), min(s2[1], s2[3]))
bottom = min(max(s1[1], s1[3]), max(s2[1], s2[3]))
if top > bottom or left > right:
segment_endpoints = []
elif top == bottom and left == right:
return segment_endpoints
def intersectLines(pt1, pt2, ptA, ptB):
DET_TOLERANCE = 0.00000001
# the first line is pt1 + r*(pt2-pt1)
# in component form:
x1, y1 = pt1;
x2, y2 = pt2
dx1 = x2 - x1;
dy1 = y2 - y1
# the second line is ptA + s*(ptB-ptA)
x, y = ptA;
xB, yB = ptB;
dx = xB - x;
dy = yB - y;
DET = (-dx1 * dy + dy1 * dx)
if math.fabs(DET) < DET_TOLERANCE: return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# now, the determinant should be OK
DETinv = 1.0 / DET
# find the scalar amount along the "self" segment
r = DETinv * (-dy * (x - x1) + dx * (y - y1))
# find the scalar amount along the input line
s = DETinv * (-dy1 * (x - x1) + dx1 * (y - y1))
# return the average of the two descriptions
xi = (x1 + r * dx1 + x + s * dx) / 2.0
yi = (y1 + r * dy1 + y + s * dy) / 2.0
return (xi, yi, 1, r, s)
line_list = [object for object in acad.iter_objects() if(object.objectName == "AcDbLine")]
print("Line_list:", len(line_list))
c = 0
for x in range(len(line_list)):
for y in range(len(line_list)):
if x == y: continue
c += 1
s1 = line_list[x].startpoint[:2] + line_list[x].endpoint[:2]
s2 = line_list[y].startpoint[:2] + line_list[y].endpoint[:2]
print(c, "x:", x, "y:", y, "s1:", s1, "s2:", s2)
print(intersectLines(line_list[x].startpoint[:2] , line_list[x].endpoint[:2], line_list[y].startpoint[:2] , line_list[y].endpoint[:2] ))
我认为您只是缺少检查以查看交点 pt 是否在两个部分的边界框内,即 xi 必须在 x1 和 x2 之间。 y 的情况相同 - 对于两个细分市场。考虑两条线 x=y 和 y = 1。它们相交于 1,1。但是,如果您的段是从 (0,0) 定义的,则 (0.5,0.5) 它不会相交。
段是否相互到达,下面的代码returns "intersected"。
def intersection(s1, s2):
segment_endpoints = []
left = max(min(s1[0], s1[2]), min(s2[0], s2[2]))
right = min(max(s1[0], s1[2]), max(s2[0], s2[2]))
top = max(min(s1[1], s1[3]), min(s2[1], s2[3]))
bottom = min(max(s1[1], s1[3]), max(s2[1], s2[3]))
if top > bottom or left > right:
segment_endpoints = []
elif top == bottom and left == right:
return segment_endpoints
def intersectLines(pt1, pt2, ptA, ptB):
DET_TOLERANCE = 0.00000001
# the first line is pt1 + r*(pt2-pt1)
# in component form:
x1, y1 = pt1;
x2, y2 = pt2
dx1 = x2 - x1;
dy1 = y2 - y1
# the second line is ptA + s*(ptB-ptA)
x, y = ptA;
xB, yB = ptB;
dx = xB - x;
dy = yB - y;
DET = (-dx1 * dy + dy1 * dx)
if math.fabs(DET) < DET_TOLERANCE: return (0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# now, the determinant should be OK
DETinv = 1.0 / DET
# find the scalar amount along the "self" segment
r = DETinv * (-dy * (x - x1) + dx * (y - y1))
# find the scalar amount along the input line
s = DETinv * (-dy1 * (x - x1) + dx1 * (y - y1))
# return the average of the two descriptions
xi = (x1 + r * dx1 + x + s * dx) / 2.0
yi = (y1 + r * dy1 + y + s * dy) / 2.0
return (xi, yi, 1, r, s)
line_list = [object for object in acad.iter_objects() if(object.objectName == "AcDbLine")]
print("Line_list:", len(line_list))
c = 0
for x in range(len(line_list)):
for y in range(len(line_list)):
if x == y: continue
c += 1
s1 = line_list[x].startpoint[:2] + line_list[x].endpoint[:2]
s2 = line_list[y].startpoint[:2] + line_list[y].endpoint[:2]
print(c, "x:", x, "y:", y, "s1:", s1, "s2:", s2)
print(intersectLines(line_list[x].startpoint[:2] , line_list[x].endpoint[:2], line_list[y].startpoint[:2] , line_list[y].endpoint[:2] ))
我认为您只是缺少检查以查看交点 pt 是否在两个部分的边界框内,即 xi 必须在 x1 和 x2 之间。 y 的情况相同 - 对于两个细分市场。考虑两条线 x=y 和 y = 1。它们相交于 1,1。但是,如果您的段是从 (0,0) 定义的,则 (0.5,0.5) 它不会相交。