检查 AD 组是否是另一个组的成员(递归)

Check if AD Group is Member of another group (recursive)


RootGroup <- Group{x} .... <- Group{x+n} <- Group100 

如何检查 Group100RootGroup


我有这个 returns 总是 false

private bool IsMemberOfInternal(string userOrGroupDistinguishedName, string groupMembershipDistinguishedName)
            GroupPrincipal principal = null;
            GroupPrincipal target = null;
                principal = _getUserGroupPrincipalFunc(principalContext, userOrGroupDistinguishedName);
                target = _getUserGroupPrincipalFunc(principalContext, groupMembershipDistinguishedName);

                if (principal != default(GroupPrincipal)
                    && target != default(GroupPrincipal))
                    return principal.IsMemberOf(target);

            return false;

你最好不要为此使用 GroupPrincipal。 AD 实际上有一种 built-in 方法来进行这种搜索,它比 GroupPrincipal 可以做的任何事情都快得多。您可以通过直接使用 DirectoryEntryDirectorySearcher 来使用它(这就是 GroupPrincipalPrincipalSearcher 在幕后使用的方式)。

我写了一篇关于确定 用户 是否是特定组的成员的文章,但它同样适用于组。我有一个 sample method 在那里你可以用它:

private static bool IsUserInGroup(DirectoryEntry user, DirectoryEntry group, bool recursive) {

    //fetch the attributes we're going to need
    user.RefreshCache(new [] {"distinguishedName", "objectSid"});
    group.RefreshCache(new [] {"distinguishedName", "groupType"});

    //This magic number tells AD to look for the user recursively through any nested groups
    var recursiveFilter = recursive ? ":1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:" : "";

    var userDn = (string) user.Properties["distinguishedName"].Value;
    var groupDn = (string) group.Properties["distinguishedName"].Value;

    var filter = $"(member{recursiveFilter}={userDn})";

    if (((int) group.Properties["groupType"].Value & 8) == 0) {
        var groupDomainDn = groupDn.Substring(
            groupDn.IndexOf(",DC=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
        var userDomainDn = userDn.Substring(
            userDn.IndexOf(",DC=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
        if (groupDomainDn != userDomainDn) {
            //It's a Domain Local group, and the user and group are on
            //different domains, so the account might show up as a Foreign
            //Security Principal. So construct a list of SID's that could
            //appear in the group for this user
            var fspFilters = new StringBuilder();

            var userSid =
                new SecurityIdentifier((byte[]) user.Properties["objectSid"].Value, 0);

            if (recursive) {
                //Any of the groups the user is in could show up as an FSP,
                //so we need to check for them all
                user.RefreshCache(new [] {"tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal"});
                var tokenGroups = user.Properties["tokenGroupsGlobalAndUniversal"];
                foreach (byte[] token in tokenGroups) {
                    var groupSid = new SecurityIdentifier(token, 0);
            filter = $"(|{filter}{fspFilters})";

    var searcher = new DirectorySearcher {
        Filter = filter,
        SearchRoot = group,
        PageSize = 1, //we're only looking for one object
        SearchScope = SearchScope.Base

    searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("cn"); //just so it doesn't load every property

    return searcher.FindOne() != null;

此方法还处理 user(或您的子组)位于来自根组的外部受信任域的情况。这可能是也可能不是你需要担心的事情。

只需为您的 Group100 传递一个 DirectoryEntry 作为 user 参数。像这样:

var isMemberOf = IsUserInGroup(
    new DirectoryEntry($"LDAP://{userOrGroupDistinguishedName}"),
    new DirectoryEntry($"LDAP://{groupMembershipDistinguishedName}"),

对于递归搜索(当您为 recursive 参数传递 true 时),它使用 LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN "matching rule OID"(如 here 所述):

This rule is limited to filters that apply to the DN. This is a special "extended" match operator that walks the chain of ancestry in objects all the way to the root until it finds a match.